Basic (09-24)

NL 00101.015 Notice Language Clearance Process

We clear most notice language at the staff level.  The notice author determines if the package requires Associate Commissioner (AC) level review.  If you choose AC-level approval, select the AC-level review option on the Notice Language Clearance Package Approval Sheet.

A. Initial review and approval

  1. 1. 

    Send an email to the Office of Income Security Programs (OISP) Notices Team ^OISP NSPS Controls, Operations ||DCO OPSOS, and the other agency stakeholders. Use the subject, “Request: Review and Approval – [Notice Name] – Respond by [Date]” and attach a copy of the clearance package and the Notice Language Clearance Package Approval Sheet.


    Consider using a shareable tool, such as OneDrive or Teams, to store documents for a collaborative review environment. When using a collaboration tool, be sure to provide access to stakeholders so they can view and edit the document.

  2. 2. 

    Allow at least five business days for review.

  3. 3. 

    Recirculate the clearance package until you resolve all comments and obtain full stakeholder agreement.

  4. 4. 

    Once the OISP Notices Team, OPSOS, and the stakeholders return the package with their approvals on the Notice Language Clearance Package Approval Sheet, proceed to subsection B.

B. Office of Communications (OCOMM) and Customer Experience Office (CXO) review and approval

  1. 1. 

    Send the clearance package to ^DCCOMM Controls and  ^CX Controls.  Use the subject, “Request: Review and Approval – [Notice Name] – Respond by [Date]” and attach the approval sheet with the Notices Team, Operations, and stakeholder signoffs.

  2. 2. 

    Allow at least five business days for review and approval.

  3. 3. 

    OCOMM and CXO collaborate and provide feedback.

  4. 4. 

    If you receive comments or recommendations for changes from OCOMM or CXO and you accept them, you must recirculate the package to the OISP Notices Team, OPSOS, and the stakeholders.  Use the subject, “Recirculating for Review – [Notice Name] – Respond by [Date]” when resubmitting for review and signoff.  

  5. 5. 

    The package is cleared once the OISP Notices Team, OPSOS, the stakeholders, OCOMM, and CXO approve the language,  Follow the Post-Clearance Steps for a Notice Language Clearance Package in NL 00101.020.

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NL 00101.015 - Notice Language Clearance Process - 09/13/2024
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