TN 6 (12-93)

NL 00601.100 Representative Payee Notices

A. Policy - advance notices

When we have established incapability and selected a payee, we send an advance notice to the beneficiary or the person who can act on behalf of the beneficiary. See GN 00503.100 for more information on when an advance notice is needed. The purpose of the advance notice is to:

  • formally notify the individual that we will appoint a representative payee to receive benefits on his/her behalf,

  • provide the name of the representative payee, and

  • give the individual the opportunity to protest our action.

B. Process

Advance notices and representative payee notices are processed as shown below:

1. Advance notices

The FO adjudicates most payee applications on the Representative Payee System (RPS), and the RPS sends the advance notice. In title II cases, when the FO cannot input the payee appointment, the PC sends the advance notice.

2. Representative payee notices

The system (MCS, MADCAP,T2R,SSI) generates most final payee notices. When the system cannot produce the notice, PC prepares and sends the notice.

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