TN 24 (12-17)

NL 00725.440 “TER” UTIs – Terminations

TER001 Terminated – Not Student/Not Disabled

 (1)   (2)  no longer entitled to Social Security benefits beginning  (3)  .  (4)  benefits are stopping because in that month  (5)  :

 (6)  years old, and

not disabled, and

not a full-time elementary or secondary level school student.

(1) SN/“You”
(2) “is”/“are”
(3) Month of termination, in format “June 1991”
(4) “your”/“her”/“his”
(5) “you are”/ “she is”/ “he is”
(6) “18”/“19”

TER002 Terminated – No Longer Student

 (1)   (2)  no longer entitled to Social Security benefits beginning  (3)  .  (4)  benefits are stopping in that month because:

 (5)  not a full-time elementary or secondary level school student and,

 (6)  not disabled.

(1) SN/“You”
(2) “is”/“are”
(3) Month of termination in format “June 1991”
(4) “your”/ “her”/ “his”
(5) “you are”/“she is”/“he is”
(6) “you are”/“she is”/“he is”

TER003 Terminated – Student Age 19

 (1)   (2)  no longer entitled to student benefits beginning  (3)  . Student benefits normally end with the payment before the month the student turns 19. But,  (4)  met an exception which allowed benefits to continue past that month. The exception allows benefits to continue for two months after the student turns 19, or until the end of the school term, whichever comes first.

However, if the school requires a student to reenroll each quarter or semester, benefits may continue until that quarter or semester ends.  (5)  no longer  (6)  the exception beginning  (7)  , so  (8)  student benefits end that month.

(1) “You”/beneficiary's name
(2) “is”/“are”
(3) Month of termination in format “June 1991”
(4) “you”/“she”/“he”
(5) “you”/“she”/“he”
(6) “meet”/“meets”
(7) Month of termination in format “July 1991”
(8) “your”/“her”/“his”

TER004 Termination of Benefits

 (1)   (2)  not entitled to benefits beginning  (3)  because  (4)  in that month.

(1) SN/“You”/beneficiary's name
[4a] “you”/“she”/“he”
(2) “is”/“are”
(3) Month in format “July 1991”
[4a] “remarried”/“(4b) divorced”/“(4c) married”/“[4d] died”
[4b] “you”/“she”/“he”
[4c] “you”/“she”/“he”
[4d] “she”/ “he”

TER006 Dual Entitlement Benefits Terminate (T5)

 (1)  no longer entitled to benefits beginning  (2)  because  (3)  entitled to an equal or larger benefit on another record.

(1) Beneficiary's Name “is”/“You are”
(2) Effective date in format May 1997
(3) “you are”/“she is”/“he is”

TER007 Terminated – No Child in Care

 (1)  no longer entitled to Social Security benefits beginning  (2)  . To be entitled,  (3)  must be taking care of a child who is entitled to benefits. That child must be under age 16 or disabled. In  (4)  ,  (5)  child  (6)   (7)  .

(1) “you are”/“she is”/“he is”
(2) Month of termination in format “July 1991”
(3) “you”/“she”/“he”
(4) Month of termination in format “July 1991”
(5) “your”/“her”/“his”
(6) child's name
(7) “got married”/“died”/”became age 16”/”was no longer entitled to disability benefits”

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NL 00725.440 - “TER” UTIs – Terminations - 12/21/2017
Batch run: 12/21/2017