If a person contacts us and asks you to read or explain a notice, follow disclosure
procedures in GN 03380.010 Verifying Identity of Individuals Requesting Disclosure
of Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
If you can disclose the notice information to the person:
read or explain the notice to the person as requested; and
NOTE: You can access copies of most notices electronically, i.e., through the Online Retrieval
System (ORS), Evidence Portal (EP), or eView. If the notice is not available online,
National 800 Number Network (N8NN) agents may send a Modernized Development Worksheet
referral for Title II, Title XVI non-MSSICS (Modernized Supplemental Security Income
Claims System), concurrent Title II and Title XVI cases, or Development Worksheet
referral for Consolidated Claims Experience (CCE) cases to the servicing field office
to request the notice be read.
verify that the person’s record accurately reflects the current SNO. If not, take
action to correct the record(s) per NL 01001.020, How to Access and Complete the Intranet Special Notice Option (iSNO) Application.
If identity or disclosure requirements are not met, handle the interview like any
other request for information from a person’s record.