Retention Date : 08/10/2025
A. Purpose
The purpose of this Emergency Message (EM) is to inform technicians of possible Field Office (FO) inquiries from beneficiaries or representative payees concerning typographical errors on some SSA-1099 instruction sheets in online 2024 SSA-1099s.
B. Background
The typographical errors appear under the header “Facts About Your 2024 Social Security Benefit Statement”. On the first line the word “Statement” may be spelled “Satement” and the second error may be in the second line of the same paragraph (4 words from the end) the with the word “benefits’ which may be spelled “benefts”. Beneficiaries or representative payees may contact their local field office due to suspicion from the incorrect spellings. We have included the image below for your reference.

C. Handling Inquiries
Technicians should review the document with the beneficiary or their representative payee and answer any questions they may have. Technicians should be aware that these errors occurred only on the instruction sheet and that all SSA-1099 benefit information is correct. Please reassure the public that the agency is aware of the issue and that these documents are legitimate, were issued by the agency, and may still be used for tax purposes.
Closing paragraph:
Direct all questions on program–related and technical issues to your regional office (RO) support staff or processing center Operations Analysis (PC OA staff). RO support staff or PC OA staff may refer questions or problems to their Central Office contacts.