Retention Date: 06/03/2025
Summary of Changes
Section A – Updated section to inform technicians of a new SAVE response for Form I-385.
Section B – Updated section to advise technicians of the new parole response for Southwest Border individuals.
Section C – Added information to advise technicians of the additional SAVE response for Form I-385, I-862 and I-220A and updated the No Status – Not Employment Authorized logic. Addressed the Temporary Parolee Response, Parolee Expires Response, and the Application Pending -Not Employment Authorized Response.
Added a note to refer to AM 22048 for processing of an I-94 with a temporary parole stamp.
Added a note indicating the need to identify the 14-day tolerance for expiring documents.
Added a note to include an expiration date for these documents applying the 2 year rule for adults and the 4 year rule for children 17 and under per RM 10210.405- Evidence of Identity for an SSN Card.
A. Purpose
The purpose of this Emergency Message (EM) is to inform technicians of a new Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) response of “NO STATUS- NOT EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZED” for individuals requesting a non-work SSN who have no immigration status.
This EM was revised to inform technicians of additional SAVE responses for individuals who are requesting a non-work number and present Forms I-385 (Alien Booking Record) with a parole stamp, Form I-862 (Notice to Appear) with a parole stamp, or I-220A (Order of Release on Recognizance) with a parole stamp.
B. Background
On May 27, 2022, AM-22048, Enumeration: Reminder for Field Office Instructions on How to Prioritize Acceptable Identity Documents was released to provide guidance for
utilizing the National Identity Document Database (NIDD) for third level probative value documents. AM-22048 provides instructions on how to verify the validity of forms I-220A (Order of Release on Recognizance), I-385 (Alien Booking Record), and I-862 (Notice to Appear). AM-22048 also instructs technicians to verify the validity of those documents through I-Main SAVE (WEB 3) when utilizing evidence for individuals with no legal status who are applying for a nonwork SSN to obtain Federal benefits.
SAVE has been generating an “Additional Verification” (AV) response for these cases, which requires additional verification by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) technicians and results in increased response times. To mitigate this, SSA collaborated with USCIS to generate a new response (NO STATUS –NOT EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZED). USCIS will provide this response at the initial verification (IV) level for enumeration purposes to decrease the time it takes to verify these cases.
C. New Response:
1. The new “NO STATUS – NOT EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZED” response will be generated when the immigration documents meet all of the following criteria:
Must include:
· Name; and
· Date of Birth (DOB); and
· Alien Registration Number (ARN);
And do NOT have any of the following:
· Class of Admission (COA); or
· Employment Authorization Document (EAD)
The new “NO STATUS – NOT EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZED” is an acceptable SAVE response only for applicants who are applying for a nonwork SSN.
2. USCIS implemented a response for individuals who are temporarily admitted to the country while immigration proceedings are pending of “Parolee” or “Parolee Expires”. These individuals may be granted a 60-day temporary parole status. Technicians will be able to identify the temporary parolee from an individual who was granted parolee status by the stamp located on the individual’s I-385 or another DHS document.
The Parolee response will be generated when the I-385 or I-862 contains the
following criteria:
Must include:
· Name;
· Date of Birth (DOB);
· Alien Registration Number (ARN); and
· Parole Stamp with a nonexpired parole end date listed.
NOTE: Even though individuals with the I-385 or I-862 may have the Parole stamp, select citizenship “Other” on the Number Holder information screen in SSNAP. If any of the forms have an expired parole stamp, this only applies to their parolee status please continue to use the document to verify age and identity. Utilize the I-385 or I-862 and process a non-work SSN application with a NO STATUS – Not Employment Authorized Response.
3. The Parolee Stamp may also be placed on the I-220A, noting the I-220A can only be used for identity, but not for proof of age, another document must be requested in conjunction with this document for proof of age.
The Parolee response will be generated when the I-220A contains the following criteria.
· Name;
· Alien Registration Number (ARN)
· Parole Stamp with a nonexpired parole end date listed
4. For the SAVE Response of “Application Pending –Not Employment Authorized” the document may or may not have the parole stamp, accept this response regardless of whether it has the parole stamp.
Note 1: The expiration on the Parole stamp on the I-385, I-220A, or I-862 only applies to the Parole status, not the document. These documents are acceptable for 2 years for an adult and 4 years for a child under 18 per RM 10210.405.
Note 2: For enumeration, technicians must submit the case for an AV response, if any response other than “NO STATUS – NOT EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZED”, “PAROLEE”, “PAROLEE EXPIRES” or “APPLICATION PENDING – NOT EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZED” with forms I-385, I-862 or I-220A is received. Continue to process the application if the applicant provides a letter from a benefit granting agency with a valid non-work reason for a non-work SSN.
Reminder: Please see AM-22047 for guidance on processing an I-94 with a temporary parole stamp.
For instructions on handling “No Status – Not Employment Authorized” SAVE responses for claims please see EM-23010 - Claims Procedures for web3 Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) case responses of “No Status-Not Employment.
Direct all program-related and technical questions to your Regional Office (RO) support staff using vHelp or Program Service Center (PSC) Operations Analysis (OA) staff. RO support staff or PSC OA staff may refer questions, concerns, or problems to their Central Office contacts.
RM 10211.600 - Requests for an SSN for an Alien without Work Authorization.
RM 10210.405 - Evidence of Identity for an SSN Card
AM-22048 - Enumeration: Reminder for Field Office Instructions on How to Prioritize Acceptable Identity Documents
EM-23010 - Claims Procedures for web3 Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) case responses of “No Status-Not Employment Authorized”
AM-22047 SEN - Instructions for Processing an I-94 Arrival/Departure Record in SSNAP without an Admission Number