Identification Number:
Intended Audience:All RCs/ARCs/ADs/FOs/PSCs/OCO
Originating Office:DCO OPSOS
Title:Change in Automatic Paper Folder Shipment regarding Continuing Disability Reviews
Type:EM - Emergency Messages
Program:Title XVI (SSI); Disability
Link To Reference:See Reference at the end of this EM.
Retention Date: November 29, 2023

A. Purpose
The purpose of this EM is to inform Field Office (FO) technicians of a change in business process for obtaining/securing paper Title II Comparison Point Decisions (CPD) folders for Medical Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs).

B. Background
DI 13015.030 advises that the FO is responsible for obtaining the Title XVI medical folder and the Processing Center (PC) is responsible for obtaining the Title II folders. The PCs have used an automated process that has grown outdated with the agency’s enhancements to electronic processing and resulted in unnecessary folder shipment.

C. FO Instructions
Effective with this EM, the PCs will no longer automate the shipment of CPD folders automated through the Ship-It application, and the FO is now responsible for requesting the CPD folder when necessary. FO technicians should review prior medical folders to determine whether the paper folder is necessary for examiners.

If a prior paper folder is needed, please utilize the instructions for requesting the folder from SSANRC found in DI 13015.040 C. 3.

DI 13015.030 Initially Obtaining the CPD Medical Folder
DI 13015.040 Folder in SSANRC, FRC, DDS, or ODAR Locations - FO Actions
DI 13015.050 OCO/PSC Retrieving The Title II and Title II Portion of the Concurrent TII/TXVI CDR Folder/Medical Evidence
DI 13015.055 FO Retrieving The Title II and Title II Portion of the Concurrent TII/TXVI CDR Folder/Medical Evidence
DI 81010.215 The Comparison Point Decision (CPD) Date and Folder
DI 81010.235 Associating the Comparison Point Decision (CPD) Folder with an Electronic Continuing Disability Review (eCDR)
DI 81010.242 Unable-to-Locate (UTL) Paper Comparison Point Decision (CPD) Folder

EM-23037 - Change in Automatic Paper Folder Shipment regarding Continuing Disability Reviews - 05/30/2023