Identification Number:
Intended Audience:All RCs/ARCs/ADs/FOs/TSCs/PSCs/OCO/OCO-CSTs
Originating Office:ORDP OISP
Title:Change in Verification Methods for Signatures on Benefit Eligibility Letters
Type:EM - Emergency Messages
Program:Records Maintenance (Earnings & Enumeration)
Link To Reference:See Reference at the end of this EM.
Retention Date: August 26, 2025

A. Purpose

    The purpose of this emergency message (EM) is to announce the expanded verification methods for signatures on the benefit eligibility letter used to obtain a non-work Social Security number (SSN).
B. Background
    Currently, RM 10211.600 requires an individual who needs an SSN for a valid non-work purpose to provide evidence of:
      · Age,
      · Identity,
      · Alien status; and,
      · A benefit eligibility letter from the benefit granting agency meeting the following criteria:
        o must be dated and on agency letterhead;
        o must specifically identify the alien, the non-work reason an SSN is required, the relevant statute or regulation requiring the SSN as a condition to receive the benefit or service, and the name and telephone number of an official to contact so that the information provided may be verified;
        o must state that the alien meets all the requirements to receive the benefit or service, except for an SSN; and
        o must have the wet signature of the authorized management official or management designee for the government entity.
    Before accepting the benefit eligibility letter, the technician must determine if a precedent file already exists for the authorized management official or management designee who signed the benefit eligibility letter. If no precedent file exists, the FO must contact the government entity to establish a precedent file for the official(s) with the authority to sign benefit eligibility letters and forms that document valid non-work reasons (see RM 10211.600).
    This EM notifies technicians that they now can accept paper benefit eligibility letters with:
      · a wet signature,
      · a signature other than wet, or
      · no signature
    utilizing the verification processes outlined in Section C below. Individuals must still provide proof of age, identity, and alien status.
C. Benefit Eligibility Letter Verification Process
    Follow the steps below to verify benefit eligibility letters.
      1. Verification of a benefit eligibility letter with a wet signature
          a. Verify using the established precedent file; or
          b. Create a new precedent file as directed in RM 10211.600; or
          c. Verify the benefit eligibility letter via phone call to the government entity that issued the benefit eligibility letter.
          NOTE: Only create precedent files for authorized management officials and designees who provide benefit eligibility letters with a wet signature.
      2. Verification of a benefit eligibility letter with no signature or a signature other than wet
            Verify the benefit eligibility letter via phone call to the government entity that issued the benefit eligibility letter.

Direct all program-related and technical questions to your Regional Office (RO) support staff using vHelp or Program Service Center (PSC) Operations Analysis (OA) staff. RO support staff or PSC OA staff may refer questions, concerns, or problems to their Central Office contacts.

RM 10211.600 Requests for an SSN from a Noncitizen Without Work Authorization

EM-23047 - Change in Verification Methods for Signatures on Benefit Eligibility Letters - 07/26/2023