Identification Number:
GN 02402 TN 277
Intended Audience:See Transmittal Sheet
Originating Office:DCBFM OFPO
Title:Direct Deposit - Title II and Title XVI
Type:POMS Full Transmittals
Program:All Programs
Link To Reference:


Part GN – General

Chapter 024 – Checks

Subchapter 02 – Direct Deposit - Title II and Title XVI

Transmittal No. 277, 08/23/2024



Originating Component


Effective Date

Upon Receipt


International Direct Deposit (IDD) service is a joint effort between our agency and the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (FRBKC).  We are seeking accuracy and consistency within out IDD POMS, therefore, we are requesting a full review of the policies in the control.


Summary of Changes

GN 02402.230 Death of an International Direct Deposit (IDD) Beneficiary

Subsection A, We updated the introductory paragraph per plain language guidelines. We updated the language to reiterate that Operations will process the death terminations through DIPS instead of MACADE.

Subsection B, We updated the introductory paragraph per plain language guidelines. We updated the language to reiterate that Operations will process the death terminations through DIPS instead of MACADE.

Subsection B.3 and B.4, We merged the language in B.3 to the language outlined in subsection D. We merged the language in B.4 to the language outlined in subsection E.


GN 02402.235 Intercepting Incorrect International Direct Deposit (IDD) Payments

We update the language in the examples to follow the language inclusive guidelines.

Subsection D, We added a references section.


GN 02402.240 Rejected Canadian International Direct Deposit (IDD) Payments

We reviewed the language in the POMS for plain language guidelines. No comments received during the IRD period.


GN 02402.245 Returned International Direct Deposit (IDD) Payments

Subsections A and B, We updated the title for clarity per plain language guidelines.

We updated the reference section.


GN 02402.250 Allegations of Nonreceipt of International Direct Deposit (IDD) payments

Subsection C, We updated step 10 of the chart to remove the reference made to the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City when sending a nonreceipt form.

We updated step 11 of the chart to remove the 14 day time-frame when a nonreceipt allegation is not resolved.

GN 02402.230 Death of an International Direct Deposit (IDD) Beneficiary

A. Background for acting on death information quickly


If the deceased beneficiary lives outside the U.S. but has a domestic account and not IDD, technicians must follow the procedure outlined in GN 02408.410.B.

Due to systems limitations, death terminations are not automatically applied if the beneficiary is residing outside the United States and there is a non-terminated beneficiary on the record.  This is true whether the deceased beneficiary is the number holder or a dependent or survivor and:

  • a payment returned for reason of death (whether issued by check or direct deposit), or

  • a death input through Death Information processing System (DIPS) screens other than manual adjustment credit and award processes (MADCAP).

Payments continue but these actions cause an alert to the Office of Earnings and International Operations (OEIO).

OEIO will process the death termination through DIPS to terminate the record and stop the payments.

Example 1

Juan Garcia who lives in Spain dies. Even though the Federal Benefit Unit (FBU) makes a death input, payments will continue to be issued to Juan, and the widow will continue to receive payments only as a “B,” until OEIO:

  • Process the death termination through DIPS to terminate the record ,

  • manually create a D record in

  • pay the lump sum death benefit (LSDP). IMPORTANT: If the spouse is receiving benefits through IDD then will need to be updated to reflect the conversion from BIC B to BIC D.

Example 2

Otto Miller and his wife Anna, living in Germany, are receiving benefits on his account. Anna dies, and the FBU makes a death input. OEIO will process the death termination through DIPS.

B. How to process the death information

The key to successfully process death information is close coordination between OEIO, the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (FRBKC), the Federal Benefit Units (FBU) and border offices. When death information is received by one of these entities, it needs to be shared with others to prevent erroneous payments after death and to aid in recovery of payments released before the death report is successfully processed to the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR).

1. Reported death from an Outside Source

A report of death of an IDD beneficiary from a source other than FRBKC or an FBU, requires the following actions:[MO1]   [MO1]Another option: DIO must take the following actions when receives report of death of an IDD beneficiary from a source other than FRBKC or an FBU:

  • Obtain the date of death if it was not included in the report.

  • Process death termination through DIPS. Manual action for death input is only required if DIPS action excepts.

  • Manually convert the B to D in, if appropriate..

  • Request a FRBKC intercept if the beneficiary had IDD to a FI in a country not listed and applied death input to the record after the cutoff. Input death stop in ITS and if appropriate initiate reclamation.

2. Report of death from an FBU

A report of death of an IDD beneficiary from an FBU requires the following actions:[MO1]   [MO1]Consider alternative language similar to that in previous comment

  • Verify that the FBU coded the death termination, and initiated the reclamation in

  • Reclaim incorrect payments that went out after death, see GN 02408.900 to GN 02408.950.

3. Report of death from FRBKC

A report of IDD beneficiary from FRBKC requires the following actions:

  • Process the death termination through DIPS. MADCAP action required if DIPs input excepts;

  • Manually convert the B to D conversion in ITS, if appropriate;

  • Reclaim any incorrect payments that went out after death.

C. OEIO receives death report of IDD beneficiary

When you receive a report of the death of a beneficiary receiving IDD payments, follow these steps:

  1. 1. 

    Has the record already been terminated for death?

    • If yes, go to step 2.

    • If no, input a death termination.

  2. 2. 

    Do you know the date of death?

    • If yes, make any necessary corrections to the record to pay survivors correctly. Input the death to to intercept any payments after death to the deceased beneficiary.

    • If no, go to step 3.

  3. 3. 

    To reclaim any incorrect payments that went out after death, see GN 02408.900 to GN 02408.950.

D. FO/TSC receives report of death of an IDD beneficiary

When you receive a report of the death and the routing number for direct deposit begins with 5, 6, or 7, to indicate the beneficiary was receiving IDD benefits, follow these steps.

  1. 1. 

    Ask for the date of death.

  2. 2. 

    Input the date of death.

  3. 3. 

    Ask OEIO to code the death to

E. FBU receives report of death of an IDD beneficiary

The FBU must take the following actions when they learn of the death of an IDD beneficiary:

  1. 1. 

    Ask for the date of death.

  2. 2. 

    Process the death termination through DIPS.

  3. 3. 

    Intercept any payment(s) that might go out after death. This will prevent any further payments from reaching the FI.

  4. 4. 

    Code the death on

  5. 5. 

    Does the routing number through which the deceased individual's payments were being sent begin with 51, 61, 62, 70, or 71?

    • If yes, code the death on

    • If no, go to step 5.

  6. 6. 

    Is your FBU in the country where the FI is located?

    • If yes, code the death to, and also send a reclamation request to the FI for any payments already paid after death and not returned.

    • If no, notify the appropriate FBU of the death.

    • Is this a joint bank account or rep-payee involved? - if yes stop 

    • If no, initiate reclamation in ITS for countries listed in GN 02408.920F

  7. 7. 

    Follow GN 02408.900 to GN 02408.950 to reclaim any incorrect payments that went out after death.

F. References

  • GN 02408.900 Recovery of Title II International Direct Deposit (IDD) Payments Incorrectly Issued After Death of Beneficiary

  • GN 02408.901 Who processes an International Direct Deposit (IDD) Reclamation

  • GN 02408.905 When International Direct Deposit (IDD) Reclamation is not Appropriate

  • GN 02408.910 Starting the International Direct Deposit (IDD) Reclamation Process in the Office of Earnings and International Operations (OEIO)

  • GN 02408.912 Process When the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo Processes a Reclamation

  • GN 02408.915 Process when the Office of Earnings and International Operations (OEIO) is Responsible Reclamations

  • GN 02408.920 International Direct Deposit (IDD) Payment Reclamation Forms and the International Treasury Services Application (

  • GN 02408.925 International Direct Deposit (IDD) Reclamation Process at the Kansas City Financial Center (KFC)

  • GN 02408.930 International Direct Deposit (IDD) Reclamation Process for a Federal Benefits Unit (FBU)

  • GN 02408.935 International Direct Deposit (IDD) Reclamation Process for a Foreign Bank

  • GN 02408.940 Refund to SSA While International Direct Deposit (IDD) Reclamation Is Pending at a Foreign Bank

  • GN 02408.945 Partial Recovery or No Recovery of International Direct Deposit (IDD) Payments


GN 02402.235 Intercepting Incorrect International Direct Deposit (IDD) Payments

A. Policy for intercepting IDD payments

To intercept a payment, the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (FRBKC) removes it from the payment file before sending the file to the central or processor bank. There are basically two processes for intercepting IDD payments.

1. Intercept request coded on International Treasury Services

An authorized SSA technician at the Office of Earnings and International Operations (OEIO):

  • codes the intercept request on the beneficiary’s record.

  • enters the death or other reason on the Enrollment Status pull-down menu through View/Update.

FRBKC then intercepts the payment based on the entered information. For any reason other than death, the employee must then remove the code from the record after correcting the situation causing the intercept request to avoid subsequent payments automatically intercepted.

When death information has been coded erroneously to for a beneficiary, the death information must be removed from after the beneficiary has been determined to be alive. FRBKC must also be informed, so that subsequent payments will not be intercepted.

a. Example 1

Information to correct the direct deposit coding for a payment was received and input after the cutoff. To avoid having the payment go to someone else’s account, the FBU coded an intercept request on FRBKC intercepted the payment and returned it to SSA. A prior month accrual (PMA) payment then went out with the corrected direct deposit data. The FBU removed the intercept request from

b. Example 2

A payment was intercepted with reason “closed account.” The coder input new information to the master beneficiary record (MBR) but forgot to remove the request from, and two more payments were intercepted before the error was corrected. The intercept information was removed from and the next payment went to the new account.

c. Example 3

Romano reported that his spouse had died, but the coder misunderstood the message and erroneously coded the death to Romano’s record. When Romano notified the FBU of his nonreceipt the following month, the FBU removed the death information from Romano’s record, correctly coded the death of Mrs. Romano, and notified FRBKC and OEIO of the corrections. OEIO corrected SSA’s Master Beneficiary Record and released a payment for Mr. Romano.

2. Bank Match

For some countries, FRBKC

  • matches SSA’s payment file against the file of bank data provided by the processor bank;

  • intercepts and returns the rejected payments;

  • intercepts and returns any multicountry payments that have either no country code or an unacceptable country code.

a. Example 1

A Canadian payment is intercepted because the bank code does not match any Canadian bank/transit code on file.

b. Example 2

A payment with prefix 66 shows a country code of C. Since there is no country code of C for prefix 66, the payment is intercepted.

B. Procedure – Request an Intercept

All intercept requests must be coded on Take the following steps:

  1. 1. 

    Go to and click on View/Update.

  2. 2. 

    Key the ID information for the beneficiary and click on Search.

  3. 3. 

    When the information comes up, click on the pencil for Update.

  4. 4. 

    When the beneficiary’s information page comes up, go to Enrollment Status and select “IDD Stop Payment” from the pull-down menu.

  5. 5. 

    Select the correct reason for the intercept from the resulting pull-down list. If the reason is the death of either the beneficiary or the representative payee, put the date of death in the Event box in YYYY-MM-DD format.

  6. 6. 

    Click on Update.

  7. 7. 

    Click on “Recipient List” at top right to close the record.

IMPORTANT: You must also input the death to SSA’s systems.

C. Procedure for intercepted payments

1. Bank Match rejects

When you discover that a payment has been intercepted (or when you have requested an Intercept), make every effort to correct the direct deposit data. This is especially important when someone reports nonreceipt and you find that the payment has been returned.

Examine the data to see what is needed. A Canadian payment may be lacking the institution number, for example. One digit may have been left out of a Polish account number, making it the incorrect length. The beneficiary may need to give you the full, correct data. The location of IDD coding instructions for each country is on a chart in GN 02402.220D.

If the payment has not yet been returned for a nonreceipt case, you may be able to obtain the correct data when the beneficiary reports the problem. Then when the payment is returned, it will be sent correctly to the account.

2. Payment Intercepted by request

Follow the instructions in GN 02402.235B.

Remove the intercept information from the record on as soon as there are no further incorrect payments to intercept. Otherwise, the beneficiary will continue not to be paid and will go into suspense for incorrect address when the payments are returned to SSA.

3. Erroneous Death correction

If you find death erroneously applied to the record, take the following actions:

  • go to enrollment status on;

  • remove the stop payment code and event date;

  • notify FRBKC to stop any IDD reclamation action on the case;

  • make all inputs to correct the erroneous death information on SSA's systems.

D. References

  • GN 02602.055C Incorrect death records caused by an erroneous death report.

  • GN 02408.700 Erroneous death information involving electronic fund transfer payments.

  • GN 02408.800 Abandon reclamation for electronic fund transfer.


GN 02402.240 Rejected Canadian International Direct Deposit (IDD) Payments

A. Background for rejected Canadian IDD payments

A payment for an account in Canada that does not arrive at the endpoint of the Financial Institution (FI) may have been rejected and returned by the processor bank.

Before sending any payments to the endpoint FIs, the processor bank for Canada matches SSA's payment files (one for Canadian dollar accounts and one for U.S. dollar accounts) against a file of bank routing numbers and depositor account number formats provided by the FIs.

If a payment contains an invalid bank number, an invalid depositor account number (DAN), or a DAN for the wrong currency, the processor bank removes the payment from the file, returns the payment to the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (FRBKC), and sends FRBKC a reject listing. FRBKC sends an email to the Office of Earnings and International Operations (OEIO) and to the Office of Payment and Recovery Policy (OPRP). After the scheduled payment date, FRBKC returns the payment to SSA.

B. The most common reasons for rejected Canadian IDD payments (other than typing errors) are:

  • The account is coded for the wrong currency. There are three ways to code direct deposit for different accounts in Canada: Canadian dollar accounts, U.S. dollar accounts at most banks, and U.S. dollar accounts at Royal Bank of Canada. See GN 02402.300D., GN 02402.300E., and GN 02402.300F.

  • The institution number contains an extra zero at the front. All institution numbers must be coded with only 3 digits. FRBKC's system reads the first 3 digits of the DAN field as the institution number and formats the record accordingly before passing it to the processor bank in Canada. An extra zero before the institution number for a payment that should go to Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (010), for example, will be read as a payment for Bank of Montreal (001). An extra zero before the institution number for a Bank of Montreal payment will mean that the institution number will be read as 000, an invalid institution number.

  • The institution number is not coded as the first part of the DAN. When the institution number is missing, FRBKC's system reads the first 3 digits of the account number as the institution number and the remainder of the digits as the account number. If the DAN field contains only 7 digits, the institution number is almost certainly missing. On a Canadian check, the institution number follows the branch number, with a dash between the two numbers. The dash should not be coded.

  • A “C” is coded as the first character of the DAN. If you receive coded Canadian IDD information containing a “C” at the beginning of the DAN, it is meant to be an indication that you should choose “Checking” as the type of account when keying the information. The “C” should not be keyed in the DAN field, even though it is shown at the beginning of the DAN on the MBR. When the DAN is coded incorrectly, the contractor bank receives an invalid institution number that begins with “C” instead of a numeric character. If you are passing information to another person for keying, it is better to show only the correct DAN information and write “checking,” instead of coding a “C.” Outdated forms should not be used for coding information for keying.

  • The beneficiary did not give the interviewer all the numbers from the bottom of the check. Many Canadian banks include all or a portion of the transit (branch) number at the beginning of the account number. The beneficiary reads the transit number and the institution number, and then encounters the transit number again. Knowing the actual account number, the beneficiary skips over the transit number and reads only the actual account number. If you know that the account number for a certain Canadian bank usually contains more digits than the beneficiary is telling you, you should ask if there are any numbers between the institution number and the “account number.”

  • A dash is coded after the institution number, making the account number longer than allowed. The Canadian banking system allows up to 12 characters for the account number. If the account number already contains 12 characters and a dash is keyed after the institution number, the account number is read as 13 characters. FRBKC sends the processor bank only the first 12 characters after the 3-digit institution number. Any remaining characters are dropped. To avoid this problem, it is better to code without inserting an extra dash.

  • The check serial number is included in the DAN coding. The number of the check is coded at the bottom of the check, along with the routing and account number information. If the interviewer suspects the beneficiary has given the check number over the phone, the interviewer can ask for the number of the check at top right.

Coding instructions for Canadian IDD are at GN 02402.300. To improve the accuracy of coding for Canadian IDD, OEIO personnel request the SSA-1199 CN along with a copy of the check, especially if the payment rejects.


GN 02402.245 Returned International Direct Deposit (IDD) Payments

A. Background policy

IDD payments that either cannot be credited to the designated bank account or are returned by the financial institution (FI) because the individual is not due the payment are returned to the SSA trust funds.

A foreign FI that cannot credit a payment to the designated account should return the payment to the processor bank that services the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (FRBKC) in that country.

B. Procedure - Processor FI

When a payment cannot be credited to the designated account, the processor FI:

  • Credits the returned payment to the special clearing account maintained for FRBKC;

  • Sends FRBKC an account statement and complete information about the returned payment.

C. Procedure - FBU

When an IDD payment for Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, or the United Kingdom is returned because of an incorrect bank or branch number, do the following:

  • Determine the correct information by referring to the bank routing numbers guide or documentation in the FBU, or by contacting the beneficiary or the beneficiary's FI.

  • Advise the beneficiary that the payment may be delayed a few days.

  • Make corrective input to avoid further unprocessable transactions.

D. References

  • GN 02402.235 Intercepting IDD Payments,

  • GN 02402.220 List of International Direct Deposit (IDD) Countries and references for updating the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)


GN 02402.250 Allegations of Nonreceipt of International Direct Deposit (IDD) payments

A. Reasons for Nonreceipt allegations

Because of internal controls included in the various stages of the International Direct Deposit (IDD) process, it is unlikely that IDD payments will be lost. In most instances, one of the following will have occurred:

  • The payment was not issued.

  • The payment was intercepted (see GN 02402.235).

  • The payment was rejected by the processor bank because of invalid bank data. (See GN 02402.240 for common errors in coding Canadian IDD.)

  • The RTN and/or DAN is not accurate.

  • The payment was received at the beneficiary's FI but has not been credited to the account.

  • The payment was credited by the FI earlier or later than expected.

  • The account to which the payment was sent via IDD is in the wrong currency for IDD to that country, which caused the payment to be rejected and returned by the processor FI or the beneficiary's FI.

  • For Canada, the RTN prefix may have been coded for a wrong currency. For a Canadian dollar account, it should be 51; for a U.S. dollar account, it should be 62. See GN 02402.300C.4.a. for a list of some ways to tell when the account is a U.S. dollar account at certain Canadian FIs.

  • If the missing payment is a PMA payment, it may have been sent after the End of COM and will be paid in the following month. (See GN 02402.225A.2.)

  • The payment to a beneficiary with a rep payee may have been rejected because the FIs in that country do not allow an account title such as “John Smith for Mary Smith.”

  • The beneficiary may have intended to have direct deposit to a U.S. bank, but presented a deposit slip as evidence of the bank data. Internal bank routing numbers on U.S. deposit slips mainly begin with 5, 6, or 7. Payments may then be sent to a country for which the two-digit country code is the same as the first two digits on the deposit slip.


IDD payments to most countries are made in local currency, not U.S. dollars. Therefore, a payment amount for a beneficiary in one of those countries will appear different from the information on PHUS.

B. IDD Nonreceipt Process

IDD nonreceipt is a two-step process. The person who receives the report first makes a nonreceipt input to document the report. But this input does not result in any action. SSA's system accepts the input, but the Department of the Treasury (DT) cannot process the resulting report. The coding on the PHUS looks as if DT is investigating, but no investigation occurs when either the current RTN or the RTN to which the payment was issued begins with 5, 6, or 7. Therefore, for all IDD payments to Australia, Canada, Greece, Panama, or a country included in a multi-country contract, a nonreceipt form SSA 1711 (GN 02402.250C.) needs to go to FRBKC to request a trace action. For nonreceipt of IDD payments to all other IDD countries, the Federal Benefit Unit (FBU) contacts the processor bank.

C. Nonreceipt Procedure

When a report of nonreceipt of a direct deposit payment for a beneficiary outside the U.S. is received in a border FO, Office of Earnings and International Operations (OEIO), an FBU, or a consular office, follow these steps.

IMPORTANT: Technicians must not give out Treasury’s phone number to the claimants.


Teleservice Center (TSC) personnel must follow instructions outlined in TC 25001.070.

Step Action


Verify payment and account information. Determine whether:

  • the payment was issued,

  • the RTN and DAN are correct, and

  • the account is in the correct currency for that country. (See GN 02402.200 for the reference for that country.)


Obtain the name and address of the bank, as well as the bank code and bank account number. Go to STEP 3.


Take the appropriate action as indicated:

If you are in a claims taking component unfamiliar with the correct coding for the required country go to STEP 4;

If you are a claims taking FBU go to STEP 5;

If you are a non claims taking FBU go to STEP 6;


Obtain complete bank information and send a request to OEIO to make the input. STOP.


If the account information is incorrect, go to STEP 7. Inform the beneficiary that the payment will be returned to SSA and reissued to the correct account.


The estimated time is three to four weeks from the payment date for SSA to receive the return payment, reissue, and deposit the payment into the correct account. Add an additional three weeks, if we received a return and the payment reissued to an incorrect account (See step 8).


Send the nonreceipt information and correct bank data to the Regional Foreign Benefits Officer's (RFBO's) office for input. Non-claims taking units follow the RFBO's instructions for processing nonreceipt. STOP.


Determine whether the RTN to which the payment was issued begins with either 5, 6, or 7.

  • If the payment was issued by check or to an RTN that does not begin with 5, 6, or 7, follow procedures in GN 02406.000 for nonreceipt of U.S. check or direct deposit. STOP.

  • If the payment was issued to an RTN that was not for the country where the beneficiary holds an account, ask if the beneficiary wanted payments to go to a U.S. bank. If yes, ask for the correct information for the U.S. account and input the action. (Don’t accept information from a deposit slip.). STOP.

  • If the payment was issued to an account at an FI with an RTN beginning with 5, 6, or 7, go to STEP 8.


Determine if either FRBKC intercepted the payment (GN 02402.235) or the processor bank rejected the payment (GN 02402.245). If PHUS shows the payment as returned, assume that the payment was intercepted or rejected. For either of these situations, take corrective action as necessary to correct the bank data. Go to STEP 9.


An ENR or NOC IDD sent through and posted to the MBR will not start payments for a record in suspense. Explain that the intercepted or rejected payment will be returned to SSA and reissued about 10 business days after the payment date. (If it has already been returned and reissued to the incorrect bank data, estimate three weeks from the date the PMA payment was sent from SSA, for it to reject again and be returned to SSA.) Estimate that the beneficiary will receive the payment about two weeks after the date the payment is returned and reissued to the correct bank data. (For more about PMA payment dates, see GN 02402.225A.)


Determine whether the account to which the payment was sent is for the correct type of currency for IDD to that country. (See GN 02402.220D. for the reference for specific information about IDD to the country where the payment was sent.)

  • If the account to which the payment was sent is for the correct type of currency for IDD to that country, obtain and input correct information. Inform the beneficiary that the payment will be returned to SSA and reissued to the correct account information you have obtained and input. Go to STEP 11.

  • For Canada, follow GN 02402.300D., GN 02402.300E., or GN 02402.300F., to code the correct Canadian or U.S. dollar account information. STOP.

  • For all others, obtain and input direct deposit information for the correct currency account. If a beneficiary does not have an account in the correct IDD currency, ask if the beneficiary would like to open an account in the correct currency for IDD to that country or have direct deposit in U.S. dollars to an account at a U.S. FI. If the beneficiary wants direct deposit to another account, make the input. If not, cancel the direct deposit and explain that payments will be sent by check. STOP.

  • If the account to which the payment was sent is in the correct currency for IDD to that country, and the bank information was correctly coded, make sure the beneficiary has contacted the FI to inquire about a late posting. STOP.

  • If the payment was issued to an account in the correct currency and the FI alleges not receiving the payment and the payment was sent to an account in France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, or United Kingdom, go to STEP 9.

  • If the payment was issued to an account in the correct currency and the beneficiary states that the FI alleges not receiving the payment and the payment was not sent to France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, or United Kingdom, go to STEP 10.

If you are in OEIO, ask the FBU to ask the processor bank to trace the payment. If the processor bank is unable to trace the payment, Go to STEP 10.




If you are in a border FO, send an administrative message or MDW to OEIO “Attn.: Nonreceipt 555,” as follows:

“International Direct Deposit nonreceipt for (country name) for (beneficiary's name, Social Security claim number, BIC, RTN/DAN, payment date, payment amount). Please contact Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.”


OEIO will send an SSA-1711 to FRBKC.

FRBKC and the processor FI will trace missing payments through the foreign direct deposit system. Payments will be located and either credited to the account or returned.

Go to STEP 11.


Ssend a MDW to the Division of International Operations (DIO). For instructions on how to complete and send an MDW, see TC 29001.030.

If dire need alleged, send a M2M email to DIO. For DIO office codes and email addresses, see Exhibit D.


If the payment was deposited into an incorrect account belonging to someone else and is no longer available, go to STEP 13 and also follow GN 02406.020.

13 If the beneficiary alleges dire need or if a public relations problem exists, issue a Critical Payment System (CPS) check. If you do not have access to CPS, request the payment through OEIO by a fax to the Translation and Priority Work Unit (TPWU), 410-965-8020. You may also issue an Immediate Payment for dire need or a public relations problem, if the claimant can get to an FO to pick up the check.


DT's systems cannot process CPS payments through international direct deposit. Also, only OEIO can process a CPS payment by check to a foreign address if the address on the MBR is not the correct mailing address and the new address must be included in the CPS request.


D. Exhibit – DIO office codes and email addresses

Module Terminal Digit Office Code Email Address

Mod 1



Mod 2



Mod 3



Mod 4



E. Exhibit – Nonreceipt Form SSA-1711

The Nonreceipt Form SSA-1711 is used to send a nonreceipt request to Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City when SSA receives a report of nonreceipt for a payment to Australia, Canada, Greece, Panama or a country included in a multi-country contract. Click the following link to access the SSA-1711.

F. References

  • GN 02402.200 Alphabetical list of IDD countries and IDD instructions; alphabetical list of IDD enrollment forms

  • GN 02402.220D Coding instructions for IDD countries, list of references

  • GN 02402.235 Intercepted IDD payments

  • GN 02406.007 Nonreceipt of direct deposit to U.S. banks

  • GN 02402.225 PMA payment dates

  • GN 02406.020 Recovery of direct deposit payment deposited to wrong account

  • GN 02402.245 Rejected IDD payments

  • GN 02402.220B RTN prefixes for IDD countries


GN 02402 TN 277 - Direct Deposit - Title II and Title XVI - 8/23/2024