Effective April 17, 2017, new rules allow previously entitled beneficiaries to apply for EXR in the same month they stop performing SGA. Provisional benefits will begin the month after the request for EXR if the claimant stops performing SGA in the month of the EXR request. For requests filed prior to April 17, 2017, field office (FO) technicians must deny the request for EXR if the claimant performed SGA in the month of the EXR request.
Requirements for EXR eligibility
Previously entitled beneficiaries, whose entitlement ended due to work, are eligible for EXR if they meet all of the following requirements:
are “not able” or “becomes unable” to work at the
are “not able” or “becomes unable” to perform SGA in the month of the EXR request,
stopped performing SGA within 60 months of their prior termination,
have a current medical impairment(s) that is the “same as or related” to the original impairment(s), and
are under a disability based on application of the medical improvement review standard (MIRS).
Claimants are “not able” to perform SGA if, in the month of their EXR request or the following month, they do not work, or their work is not SGA.
Claimants “become unable” to perform SGA if, in the month of their EXR request, their work is SGA, but they stop performing SGA by the day they file their request. To meet the requirement of having become unable to perform SGA, they must also not perform SGA in the month following the EXR request.
NOTE: Claimants whose prior entitlement is a closed period of disability are not eligible for EXR.