Identification Number:
GN 03950 TN 4
Intended Audience:See Transmittal Sheet
Originating Office:OARO OAO
Title:Administrative Review of Fee Authorizations Under the Fee Petition Process
Type:POMS Full Transmittals
Program:All Programs
Link To Reference:


Part GN – General

Chapter 039 – Representation and Representative's Fee

Subchapter 50 – Administrative Review of Fee Authorizations Under the Fee Petition Process

Transmittal No. 4, 12/09/2024



Originating Component


Effective Date

Upon Receipt


On July 16, 2021, the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit issued a decision in Marasco & Nesselbush, LLP v. Collins, instructing the Social Security Administration (SSA) to find a reasonably reliable means for law firms or other entities to receive direct payment of the fees the agency authorizes to their salaried employees. On August 4, 2023, SSA published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), entitled Changes to the Administrative Rules for Claimant Representation and Provisions for Direct Payment to Entities. The NPRM announced SSA’s framework for ensuring law firms and other entities could receive direct payment of the fees the agency authorizes to their salaried employees. SSA will soon publish a final rule and regulations implementing this framework.

We prepared several POMS for consistency with the framework announced in the NPRM and finalized in the Final Rule and updated regulations. The regulations provide updated definitions, update requirements for appointing a representative and for representative and entity registration, and establish a process for representatives to assign direct payment of fees to entities. They also allow entities to file fee petitions through a point of contact (POC) for representational services provided by a former associate in limited circumstances. The changes to subchapter GN 03950 implement these regulatory changes and provide guidance that aligns with the changes.

In addition, we revised several sections to update and clarify processing instructions to ensure that a request for review is properly forwarded to the component with jurisdiction to consider the request, and to remove unnecessary instructions to send requests to the Office of Appellate Operation’s (OAO) Attorney Fee Branch (AFB).


Summary of Changes

GN 03950.010 Requesting Administrative Review and Preliminary Actions - Fee Petition Process


We updated language throughout to enhance clarity, improve accuracy, and ensure consistency with post-Marasco regulatory changes as well as other law and policy concerning administrative review of fee agreement determinations. In subsection B, we updated the titles of OAO reviewing officials to reflect current OAO business practices. We also made minor changes throughout to remove gendered language.

GN 03950.015 PC Actions on Receiving a Request for Administrative Review Under the Fee Petition Process (Step One)

In subsection B we reordered and simplified initial processing instructions for processing centers (PC). We updated language throughout to enhance clarity, improve accuracy, and ensure consistency with post-Marasco regulatory changes. We included, where applicable, instructions for when there is a valid fee assignment to an entity. We also made minor changes throughout to remove gendered language.

GN 03950.040 Notice of the Administrative Review Decision (Step Five)


In subsection A and B, we updated policy to ensure that a POC receives a copy of the administrative review decision and fee authorized on review, even if the POC did not request administrative review. We updated language throughout to enhance clarity, improve accuracy, and ensure consistency with other law and policy concerning administrative review of fee agreements. We also made minor changes throughout to remove gendered language.

GN 03950.050 Postreview Actions Under the Fee Petition Process - OHO Jurisdiction Cases

We updated the section title and language throughout to clarify that the section also applies to request for review under OAO’s jurisdiction. We updated language throughout to enhance clarity, improve accuracy, and ensure consistency with post-Marasco regulatory changes as well as other law and policy concerning administrative review of fee agreements. We included instructions to notify the entity’s POC if there is a valid assignment, where applicable, about the ability to file a fee petition in limited circumstance, and provided citations to GN 03930.020 for additional information about those circumstances and GN 03920.021 for information about assignment and POCs. We also made minor changes throughout to remove gendered language.

GN 03950.045 Postreview Actions Under the Fee Petition Process - PC Jurisdiction Cases

We updated language throughout to enhance clarity, improve accuracy, and ensure consistency with post-Marasco regulatory changes. We also made minor changes throughout to remove gendered language.

GN 03950.025 Performing a Preliminary Examination of the Claim File (Step Two) - Administrative Review - Fee Petition Process

In subsection B, we acknowledged that POCs may file fee petitions and requests for administrative review in limited circumstances. We also clarify that when a POC does file, they must provide proof that they provided the claimant with a copy of the fee petition document, and that failure to do so may result in the entity being place on the ineligible for direct pay entity (IDPE) list. We updated language throughout to enhance clarity, improve accuracy, and ensure consistency with post-Marasco regulatory changes. We included, where applicable, instructions for when there is a valid fee assignment to an entity. We also made minor changes throughout to remove gendered language.

GN 03950.001 Overview of Administrative Review Under the Fee Petition Process

In subsection B, we updated policy to acknowledge that entity POCs may file fee petitions and request administrative review of the initial fee authorization in limited circumstances, consistent with the new regulations. In subsection D, we added and updated definitions used in this subchapter. We updated language throughout to enhance clarity, improve accuracy, and ensure consistency with post-Marasco regulatory changes. We also made minor changes throughout to remove gendered language.

GN 03950.065 Model Final Letters - Administrative Review - Fee Petition Process

In subsection C, we added a note and rewrote an example to emphasize that reviewers are to consider the materials in the claim(s) file in evaluating statements from the requesting and non-requesting parties, and to authorize a reasonable fee based on their consideration of factors listed independent of the fee requested. We updated language throughout to enhance clarity, improve accuracy, and ensure consistency with post-Marasco regulatory changes as well as other law and policy concerning administrative review of fee agreements. We also made minor changes throughout to remove gendered language.

GN 03950.001 Overview of Administrative Review Under the Fee Petition Process

A. Introduction

This subchapter describes administrative review under the fee petition process. For more information about fee authorized under the fee petition process, see GN 03930.001. See also GN 03910.020 for a general overview of representation, and GN 03920.001 for general information about the authorization of representative's fees, GN 03960.001 for information about administrative review under the fee agreement process, and GN 03920.021 for information about the assignment of direct payment of fees to an eligible entity.

B. Definitions

When used in this subchapter, the following definitions apply.

1. Affected Auxiliary Beneficiary

An affected auxiliary beneficiary is a beneficiary, who has benefited from the representative's services to the claimant who appointed the representative. References to the "affected auxiliary beneficiary" as a party include any person authorized to act on the beneficiary's behalf, e.g., parent or legal guardian.

2. Claimant

A claimant is any individual whose asserted rights under Titles II or XVI are or may be affected by our determination or decision. As used throughout this subchapter, the term includes a beneficiary. References to the “claimant” as a party include any person authorized to act on the claimant's behalf, e.g., parent or legal guardian.

3. Entity

Entity is any business, firm, or other association, including but not limited to partnerships, corporations, for-profit organizations, and not-for-profit organizations (see 20 CFR 404.1703 and 416.1503). A representative can assign their right to direct payment of an authorized fee to an eligible entity per GN 03920.021, Assignment of Direct Payment of Authorized Fees to an Entity. An entity is never a party to the fee authorization.

4. Initial Fee Authorization

The initial fee determination about the fee a fee authorizer decides is reasonable for a representative’s services for a claimant before us. We send notice of this initial fee authorization to the representative and claimant communicating the fee we authorize the representative to charge and collect for their services and informing them of the right to request administrative review. Fee authorization documents in the fee petition process include the following:

  • Form SSA-1560A (Authorization to Charge and Collect a Fee), see GN 03905.085, or

  • Fee-Authorization to Charge/Collect Fee (AUTHFEE) (available to fee authorizers in the Office of Hearings Operations (OHO) and Office of Appellate Operations (OAO) only).

5. Non-requester

A non-requester is a person who is a party to the authorization of the representative's fee, but who did not request administrative review under the fee petition process.

6. Point of Contact (POC)

A POC is an individual who is registered as a representative and is selected by an entity to speak and act on the entity’s behalf and who assumes the affirmative duties and obligations we prescribe. See GN 03920.021C for more information on the role of a POC. In the limited circumstances described in GN 03930.020A, a POC may file a fee petition, submit a request for administrative review, or comment on a request, of a deceased representative who performed services before us. In these circumstances, the POC may become a party to the fee authorization in the place of the deceased representative and obtain direct payment of any authorized fee for their eligible entity.

7. Representative

A representative is a person, either an attorney or a non-attorney, who meets the qualifications shown in GN 03910.020 and whom the claimant appointed in writing to act on their behalf in pursuing a claim or asserted right before us. For a complete definition of “representative,” see 20 CFR 404.1703 and 416.1503.

8. Requester

A requester is the person who requested administrative review under the fee petition process.

9. Reviewer

A reviewer is the reviewing official who has been delegated authority to conduct administrative review. “Processing Center (PC) reviewer” refers to a reviewing official below the hearing level.

C. Policy

A claimant, affected auxiliary beneficiary, eligible spouse, representative, or, in the limited circumstances described in GN 03930.020A, another individual on behalf of the representative, who disagrees with our fee authorization, may protest that authorization by requesting administrative review.

1. When We May Conduct Review

We conduct administrative review of a fee authorized under the fee petition process only upon receipt of a written request filed by a proper party. We do not conduct administrative review on our own initiative (i.e., at the request of an initial decision maker).

2. Who May Request Review – Proper Parties

Only a party to the initial fee authorization under the fee petition process may request an administrative review. The proper parties may include the claimant, any affected auxiliary beneficiary, an eligible spouse, or the representative. In the limited circumstances described in GN 03930.020A, a POC or another individual who filed a fee petition on behalf of the representative is a party to the initial fee authorization and may request administrative review of that initial authorization.

3. How to Request Review

A proper party must file their request for administrative review in writing with one of our offices, ideally with the component that has jurisdiction to consider the request (see GN 03950.005 and GN 03950.010A.5). We will accept any written request from a proper party. For convenience, any proper party may use Form SSA-795 (Statement by Claimant or Other Person) to request administrative review.

4. Time Limit for Requesting Review

A requester seeking administrative review must file the request with us within 30 days after the date of the initial fee authorization notice. If a requester files the request more than 30 days after the date of the notice, the requestor must state, in writing, why they did not file it on time. In such cases, the reviewing official will conduct administrative review only if they determine that there was good cause for the late filing.

5. Issue on Review - Fee Petition Process

  • Administrative review under the fee petition process in § 206(a)(1) of the Social Security Act (the Act) involves an independent review of the initial fee authorization. Only the proper parties listed earlier in GN 03950.001C.2 have the right to request administrative review.

  • Only an authorized reviewing official who did not make the initial fee authorization can conduct the review.

D. Process

Upon receipt of a request for administrative review under the fee petition process, SSA undertakes the following five-step review process:

  • Step one - examines the request (see GN 03950.015);

  • Step two - examines the claim file (see GN 03950.025);

  • Step three - issues acknowledgment/interim letters and undertakes related development (see GN 03950.030);

  • Step four - reviews the initial fee authorization (see GN 03950.035); and

  • Step five - notifies parties of the administrative review determination and effectuates payment based on that determination (see GN 03950.040).

GN 03950.010 Requesting Administrative Review and Preliminary Actions - Fee Petition Process

A. Policy

After authorization of a fee under the fee petition process, we send notice of an initial fee authorization to the parties on Form SSA-1560A (Authorization to Charge and Collect a Fee) or other fee authorization document described in GN 03950.001B.4. The notice tells the parties that, if they disagree with the fee authorization, they must file a written request for administrative review within 30 days after the date of the fee authorization notice.


1. Confirming the request for administrative review

An individual may contact us and ask questions about the fee that was authorized. We must not confuse a request for information with a request for administrative review. For example, an inquiry from a representative may reference the amount authorized but clearly shows that the representative is trying to understand the fee authorization process. When it is unclear whether the correspondence is a request for administrative review, the office charged with responsibility for conducting the administrative review will contact the requester to obtain a clarification (see GN 03950.015B.1).

2. Proper party to file request

Only a proper party as described in GN 03950.001C.2., may request administrative review.

Proper parties include:

  • The representative who was authorized a fee based on the fee petition;

  • The claimant;

  • Any auxiliary beneficiary who is responsible for paying the representative's authorized fee; and

  • In the limited circumstance described in GN 03930.020A when an entity’s point of contact (POC) or another individual may file a fee petition, the POC or the other individuals listed in GN 03930.020A.

NOTE: For instructions when a POC improperly files a request for administrative review on behalf of a representative (outside of the limited circumstances described in GN 03930.020A), see GN 03950.015B.3. For information about assigning direct payment of fees to an entity, including the roles and responsibilities of POCs, see GN 03920.021.

3. Elements of a request

A request for administrative review must meet the following two requirements:

  • Be in writing; and

  • Clearly express an intent to request review of an initial fee authorization. Such an intent is generally expressed by a request to raise or lower the initial fee amount authorized or an objection to the fee authorization.

4. Time limit for filing a request

A party must file a request for administrative review within 30 days after the date of the initial fee authorization notice.

If the party files a request for administrative review more than 30 days after the date of the notice, the party must explain in writing why they did not file the review on time.

When the request is not filed timely, the reviewing official (see GN 03950.005) will conduct administrative review only if they determine that there was good cause for not filing the request on time (see GN 03950.020 for instructions about considering late requests).

5. Where a request is filed

A party is encouraged to send the request for administrative review to the component with jurisdiction to review (see GN 03950.005). In general, the reviewing component's address is shown on the initial fee authorization notice. A party may also file the request for administration review with any other office.

B. Procedure for Routing Administrative Review Requests

1. Oral Inquiry or Fee Protest

If the Teleservice Center (TSC) or other office receives an oral inquiry and, after verifying the identity of the caller, determines that the caller is protesting the authorized fee or requesting administrative review under the fee petition process, the receiving component staff will:

  • Advise the caller that they must submit their request for administrative review in writing within 30 days of the date they received the notice, and as applicable, provide an explanation for late filing. Further inform the caller that they must explain their reasons for seeking review in that request.

  • Inform the caller that they may use Form SSA-795, which is available for download at, to submit their request. Explain that use of this form is optional, and we will accept any written request.

  • Advise the caller to mail their completed written request to the address of the reviewing office or official listed on the notice they received (see GN 03950.005 for jurisdictional information).

  • Explain to the caller that, once the reviewing official receives the request for administrative review, the reviewing official will send them a confirmation notice and explain what happens next.

  • If the caller needs assistance submitting their request, offer to send a copy of Form SSA-795 to the caller with a courtesy return envelope addressed to the reviewing component. Ask the caller to read the name and address of the reviewing official listed on the fee agreement determination or fee authorization for inclusion on the return envelope (see GN 03950.005 for jurisdictional information). Advise the caller to promptly complete, sign, and return the form.

  • If the caller needs additional assistance, advise them to visit their local field office (FO) where staff can assist in completing the request. Explain that they can find their local FO online at If needed, provide the caller the address and contact information for their local FO using the DOORS application.

2. Field Office or Processing Center Receives Request

If a field office (FO) or processing center (PC) receives a written request for administrative review under the fee petition process and it is not the component with jurisdiction to conduct the administrative review, they will take the following actions:

  1. a. 

    Ensure the date we received the request is documented.

  2. b. 

    If there is an eView record, upload the request to the B section of eView using WorkTrack or another method and to Evidence Portal. If there is no eView record, upload the request to Evidence Portal only.

  3. c. 

    Notify via email the component with jurisdiction to conduct the administrative review that the request has been uploaded, and include a copy of the request as an attachment. Use a read receipt to confirm proper notification via email. To contact a PC use the appropriate control mailbox in HALLEX I-1-2-96. Instructions for obtaining contact information of reviewing officials at the hearings or appeals levels can be found in GN 03950.010 B.4. (See GN 03950.005 for jurisdictional information).

3. Office of Hearings Operations (OHO) or Office of Appellate Operations (OAO) Receives Request

If an OHO office or OAO receives a request for administrative review under the fee petition process and it is not the component with jurisdiction to conduct the administrative review, they will follow the instructions in HALLEX I-1-2-64A.

4. How to Contact an OHO or OAO Reviewing Official

To contact the reviewing official for fee authorizations made at the hearing or appeals levels, proceed as follows:

  1. a. 

    If the reviewing official is Regional Chief Administrative Law Judge (RCALJ) who has jurisdiction over claimant’s hearing office, contact the RCALJ’s office. See the OHO Fee Contacts directory for more information.

  2. b. 

    If the reviewing official is the Deputy Chief ALJ or the Chief ALJ, contact the Office of the Chief Administrative Law Judge (OCALJ) at |||OHO OCALJ DFP.

  3. c. 

    If the reviewing official is the OAO Executive Director or designee, contact the Attorney Fee Branch (AFB) within OAO at ^DCARO OAO ATTY FEE BR.

C. Actions Reviewing Component Will Take After Receipt of the Administrative Review Request

The reviewing component takes the following actions when receiving a request for administrative review under the fee petition process:

  • PC reviewers should follow the instructions in GN 03950.015.

  • OHO and OAO reviewers should follow the instructions in HALLEX I-1-2-64B.

D. References

GN 03950.015 PC Actions on Receiving a Request for Administrative Review Under the Fee Petition Process (Step One)

A. Introduction

The first step in the administrative review process is to examine the request itself. In so doing, we will consider the following questions:

  • Is the inquiry a request for administrative review under the fee petition process;

  • Who has jurisdiction to process the request;

  • Was the request filed by a proper party;

  • Was the request filed on time;

  • Did the decision maker consider a party’s objection to the fee petition in determining the initial fee authorization; and

  • Does the request includes other issues.

B. Procedure

Follow the procedure below when examining the request for administrative review.

1. Is the Inquiry a Request for Administrative Review

  1. a. 

    Examine the party's inquiry to determine whether there is a clear request for administrative review. Do not confuse a request for reconsideration of a non-fee related issue with a request for administrative review of the initial fee authorization.


    • Inquiry about direct payment: A non-attorney representative sends a letter questioning why we did not pay the authorized fee directly to the representative. This inquiry is not a request for administrative review. Send a letter to the representative explaining the withholding and certification provisions.

    • Inquiry about assignment: An entity’s point of contact (POC) contacts your office to ask why their entity, a law firm that employed the representative, did not receive payment of the fee authorized to the representative. When you query the Registration, Appointment and Services for Representation (RASR) application, you see that the POC’s entity is on the Ineligible for Direct Payment Entity (IDPE) list. Inform the POC that the entity is ineligible for direct payment, that we paid the individual representative directly, that they should have received a notice explaining why the entity was placed on the IDPE list, and that they must resolve the issue(s) identified in that notice before we will honor any assignments to their entity.

  2. b. 

    If it is unclear whether an inquiry is a request for administrative review, contact the party who made the inquiry (preferably by telephone) and, after verifying the individual’s identity, determine the party's intent.

    NOTE: If the party only wants more information or an explanation, the office that authorized the initial fee will respond to the inquiry in writing. If the inquiry was made within 30 days after the date of the initial fee authorization, give the party 30 days after the date of the new response to request administrative review.

2. Who Has Jurisdiction to Process the Request for Administrative Review

  1. a. 

    If the PC receives the written request and has jurisdiction for review, send the acknowledgment letter and refer the case to the reviewer (shown in GN 03950.005B.1.).

  2. b. 

    If the PC receives the written request but does not have jurisdiction for review, PC staff will follow the instructions in GN 03950.010B.2. to refer the case to the proper reviewing component. The PC will not send the acknowledgment letter in this case. The reviewing component will acknowledge receipt.

3. Was Request Filed by Proper Party

Only the parties to a fee authorization, or certain individuals authorized to act on the parties' behalf, such as a minor claimant’s parent or legal guardian, have a right to request administrative review. See GN 03950.010A.2 for a list of proper parties who may request review.

If it is unclear whether the person who filed the request is authorized to act on a proper party’s behalf, send the acknowledgment letter and any request for information to the proper party. However, in the letter, explain to the party that:

  • We have received a request for administrative review from (the name of the person) on their behalf; and

  • They must let us know, within 15 days, whether to proceed with the review.

If the proper party does not verify that the request was filed on their behalf, deny administrative review. Send a notice to the individual who protested the fee stating that they are not a proper party, ensuring any claimant information (e.g., address or Social Security number) is redacted from the notice. Send a copy of the notice to the proper parties.

NOTE: If a representative whom the initial fee decision maker did not authorize a fee protests the fee, determine whether we paid the fee to the correct individual or entity, particularly when multiple representatives from the same entity worked on the claim.


The claimant appointed three representatives from the same entity, a law firm, selecting one as their principal representative. The three representatives all assigned direct payment of their fee to the entity. After the claimant receives a favorable decision, all three representatives file fee petitions, and we authorize each a fee lower than they had requested. The entity’s POC, who was not appointed to the case, submits three separate requests for review disputing the fee authorized to each representative.

In this situation, contact each of the three representatives and obtain separate statements from each verifying that they are requesting administrative review of their respective fee authorization. If any representative does not respond, or responds saying they do want to request review, deny the request for review submitted on behalf of that representative. Send a denial notice to the POC informing them that they are not a proper party and a copy to the representative. Proceed with the other preliminary actions and, as necessary, with administrative review of the fees authorized to the other two representatives, who verified that they intended to request review.

4. Was the Request Filed on Time

Examine the request to see whether the party filed it with one of our offices within the 30-day time limit (see GN 03950.020).

5. Did We Consider a Party’s Objection to the Fee Petition

If the claimant protested a representative's fee request when they received a copy of the Form SSA-1560 (Petition to Obtain Approval of a Fee for Representing a Claimant Before the Social Security Administration) or equivalent statement, but we did not consider this protest when we authorized the fee, tell the claimant (by telephone, if possible after verifying their identity) that:

  • The protest was not added to the claim file until after we authorized the fee, therefore we did not consider the protest in authorizing the fee; and

  • We will treat the original protest as a timely request for administrative review of the amount of the fee we authorized and consider the claimant's objections.

EXCEPTION: If, when contacted, the claimant states that they are now satisfied with the authorized fee, document this information on a Form SSA-5002 (Report of Contact) and associate it with the claim(s) file. Inform the claimant that we will take no action on their protest and that the initial fee authorization is final unless the claimant subsequently files a timely request for administrative review.

6. Does the Request Include Other Issues

If a request for administrative review includes other issues, such as:

  • A request for post-adjudicative action or information; or

  • A question concerning another claim a representative is handling.

Release the acknowledgment notice and request more information immediately, then work on the other issues.

NOTE: Generally, perform post-adjudicative actions before acting on the administrative review.

GN 03950.025 Performing a Preliminary Examination of the Claim(s) File (Step Two) - Administrative Review - Fee Petition Process

A. Introduction

The second step in the administrative review process is a preliminary examination of the claim(s) file, including the fee petition and the initial fee authorization. The purpose of this preliminary review is to:

  • Determine if more information is needed to make the administrative review decision; and

  • Identify issues, if any, which we did not resolve when we initially authorized the fee.

B. Procedure - General

The following are typical situations in which additional actions must be undertaken before acting on the request for administrative review.

1. More Than One Representative Involved in Claim

If the claimant discharged one representative and appointed another, the prior representative retains the right to request a fee. If both representatives have assigned direct payment of their fee to the same entity because each representative must file their own fee petition and, if applicable, their own request for administrative review. For more information about assigning direct payment of fees to an entity, see GN 03920.021.

If the prior representative files a fee petition, or we become aware of the filing, while another representative’s request for administrative review of an initial fee authorization is pending::

  • Send the fee petition to the office that authorized the fee, so that it can process the additional fee petition. Advise that office of the pending request for administrative review and ask them to send you a copy of any additional fee authorization.

  • Do not conduct the administrative review until the time limit for requesting administrative review has expired on the second fee authorization.


    You are working on a request for administrative review and note a prior representative did not file a fee petition. The file does not show that they waived the right to a fee. You asked the prior representative to file a fee waiver or a fee petition. When the prior representative submits their fee petition, you forward the document to the same office that authorized the fee you are reviewing.

2. We Authorized More Than One Fee

If there are multiple representatives involved in the claim, we authorized more than one fee, and one party filed a request for administrative review:

  • Review the services of all the representatives; and

  • Be mindful that the services of the representatives are generally interrelated, particularly when all or some of the representatives assigned direct payment of their authorized fees to the same entity or entities.

Do not, however:

  • Conduct administrative review of any unprotested fee authorization; or

  • Consider modifying any fee other than the one being protested.

3. Parties Did Not Receive Copy of Fee Petition or Authorization

  1. a. 

    If the claim(s) file indicates that all parties did not receive a copy of fee petition, then:

    • Send an interim letter similar to the one discussed in GN 03930.095B.4.;

    • Delete the portion of that letter saying we will not work on the request for 20 days;

    • Provide the parties with the opportunity to comment (See GN 03950.030B.2.); and

    • Because of Privacy Act considerations, ensure that the personal information (e.g., mailing address or Social Security number (SSN)) of the claimant, any auxiliary beneficiary, or eligible spouse is redacted from the copy of the notice sent to any other party except the representative.

  2. b. 

    If the claim(s) file indicates that all parties did not receive a copy of the initial fee authorization, then:

    • Send a copy of the initial fee authorization with the acknowledgment letter explaining that it appears we did not previously send a copy; and

    • Provide the parties with the opportunity to comment. (See GN 03950.030B.2.); and

    • Because of Privacy Act considerations, ensure that the personal information (e.g., mailing address or SSN) of the claimant, any auxiliary beneficiary, or eligible spouse is redacted from the copy of the notice sent to any other party except the representative.

C. Examine the Fee Petition

GN 03930.020D.3. lists the information a representative, or in the limited circumstances the other individuals described in GN 03930.020A, must furnish to SSA in order to charge and collect a fee under the fee petition process. Review and evaluate the contents of the fee petition as described in GN 03930.095.

The information most frequently omitted, but essential to the evaluation of the services, includes:

  • The date the services ended; and

  • The itemization of the representative's services.

If such information is missing or insufficient, contact the representative or other individual, where applicable, for clarification.

D. Procedure - Other Issues

1. Money Collected from Claimant as a Fee

If there is an indication that the representative charged, received, or collected money from the claimant in excess of the amount we authorized, then:

  • Ask the representative for more information about the disposition of the funds in the acknowledgment or interim letter (do not ask for a refund until the issue is resolved);

  • Resolve the issue in the administrative review determination;

  • Notify the representative that the representative must immediately refund to the claimant any funds collected. If the representative collected the excess funds personally, notify them that failure to refund the excess fee may result in a referral to the Office of General Counsel for administrative sanctions (see GN 03970.017); and

  • Notify the claimant that they should inform us if the representative does not refund the excess funds.

NOTE: Sometimes claimants deposit funds into previously established trust or escrow accounts for future fee payments, and we do not learn about these accounts until after the claimant protests the payment of fees from these accounts or other sources. For additional information on such accounts, see GN 03920.025.

2. Past-due Benefits Not Withheld for Payment of Authorized Fee

If you receive a request for administrative review in a case where we did not withhold a portion of the claimant's past-due benefits for the eligible representative’s fee, or prematurely released the withheld benefits without certifying direct payment to the eligible representative or eligible entity based on a valid assignment, the representative may also report that they have been unable to collect the authorized fee from the claimant. In these circumstances, the representative is both requesting administrative review of the fee authorized and notifying us that they have been unable to collect the initially authorized fee.

In such situations:

  • Use additional language when sending the acknowledgment letters to the representative and the claimant. (See Model Acknowledgment Letters AF-2 and AF-3 at GN 03950.055B.);

  • Conduct the administrative review;

  • Direct the benefit authorizer (BA) to certify direct payment of the fee decided on administrative review to the representative or entity if there is a valid assignment as per GN 03920.021 (limited to the amount of the past-due benefits that should have been withheld or the amount of the authorized and unpaid fee, whichever is smaller); and

  • Ask the BA to establish an overpayment in the amount that should have been withheld or the amount of the authorized and unpaid fee, whichever is smaller, and initiate recovery, following the instructions in GN 03920.055C.

NOTE: Occasionally, we release all past-due benefits without certifying direct payment of the eligible representative’s authorized fee. See GN 03920.035 for information on further actions.

3. Past-Due Benefits Released After Initial Fee Authorization

  1. a. 

    Because we usually release the remaining withheld past-due benefits to the claimant and any auxiliary beneficiary or eligible spouse after paying the eligible representative or entity the initial authorized fee, you must add special instructions to the decision letter if you increase a fee on administrative review.

    EXCEPTION: We continue to withhold past-due benefits if there may be additional fees awarded by a Federal court under§206(b) of the Act. For additional information about fees authorized by a Federal court, see GN 03920.060.  

  2. b. 

    When we properly released the remaining past-due benefits after paying the initial authorized fee, tell the claimant, any auxiliary beneficiary or eligible spouse, and the eligible representative or other authorized individual (see GN 03930.020A) in the decision letter that:

    • The increase in the fee is a matter between the parties; but

    • The eligible representative should contact us if they are unable to collect the authorized fee from the claimant, any auxiliary beneficiary, or eligible spouse. We will certify direct payment of the fee to the extent of the remaining past-due benefits or the amount of the authorized and unpaid fee, whichever is smaller.

    Because of Privacy Act considerations, ensure that the personal information (e.g., mailing address or SSN) of the claimant, any auxiliary beneficiary, or eligible spouse is redacted from the copy of the notice sent to any other party except the representative.

  3. c. 

    If the eligible representative reports that they are unable to collect the authorized fee from the claimant:

    • Direct the BA to certify direct payment of the increased fee to the eligible representative or entity if there is a valid assignment as per GN 03920.021 (in the amount of remaining past-due benefits released after the initial fee payment or the amount of the authorized and unpaid fee, whichever is smaller, subject to the 25 percent direct pay limitation); and

    • Ask the BA to establish an overpayment corresponding to the amount directly paid (up to 25 percent) and initiate recovery, following the instructions in GN 03920.055C.

    EXCEPTION: Do not certify direct payment of the increased fee to the eligible representative, or entity if there is a valid assignment, if the request for administrative review was untimely filed (even if good cause was established as described in GN 03950.025).

4. Review of the Initial Fee Authorization

  1. a. 

    Examine the authorization to identify the regulatory factors (e.g., the time spent and services performed by the representative; the results achieved by the representative; and the level at which the representative entered the case), rationale, and conclusions reached.

    NOTE: We use Form SSA-1178 (Evaluation of Fee Petition for Representation) to document the initial fee authorization and reflect how the fee authorizer arrived at the authorized fee in cases decided below the hearing level.

  2. b. 

    Identify what issues, if any, pertinent to the representative's services had a bearing on the conclusion and decide if these issues have been resolved fully.

  3. c. 

    Obtain further clarification from the parties if the prior conclusions critical to the authorization are based on assumptions not supported by evidence in the claim(s) file.

EXAMPLE: The initial fee authorizer determined, based on the Form SSA-1560, that a representative had provided 25 hours of services in pursuing their client's Social Security claim. The claimant states in their request for administrative review that the representative could not have spent 25 hours on their case. A review of the SSA-1560 reveals that the representative did not specify what services were performed during the 25 hours. The reviewer will obtain further clarification from the representative about the nature of the services they performed.

GN 03950.040 Notice of the Administrative Review Determination (Step Five)

A. Policy - Notice of the Administrative Review Decision

We issue notice of the determination following administrative review of the fee petition in the form of a letter. The letter is addressed to the party who had requested review of the initial fee authorization. We also send copies of that letter to all other parties to the fee authorization. This notice constitutes the formal and final decision regarding the authorized fee. It cannot be further appealed before us or in court. As appropriate, the notice will reflect the signature of the Assistant Regional Commissioner for Processing Center Operations (ARC-PCO); the Director of the Office of Central Operations; or a designee, acting on their behalf.

1. Basic Contents of Notice

Every notice of the determination following administrative review must include the following:

  • The authority under which the administrative review was conducted,

  • The fee evaluation criteria used,

  • An explanation of how the services were evaluated considering the seven evaluation factors (GN 03930.010),

  • A statement of whether the amount of the initial fee was affirmed or modified and the reviewer's reasons for their action,

  • The amount of the fee authorized on review,

  • Responses to all issues raised during the administrative review or a statement that the issue(s) is being considered and will be addressed at a later date (e.g., we failed to certify direct payment to an eligible representative or entity of the initial authorized fee because we did not withhold past-due benefits or prematurely released them),

  • A discussion of the method of payment of the representative's fee (e.g., we will certify direct payment of all or a portion of the fee to the eligible representative or entity, if there is a valid assignment; the claimant is responsible for payment of all or a portion of the representative's fee). However, if we previously released the remaining withheld past-due benefits after paying an eligible representative or entity the initial authorized fee, advise the eligible representative to contact us if they are unable to collect the increased fee from the claimant. The representative must refund to the claimant and the affected auxiliary beneficiary(ies) or eligible spouse, if appropriate, any excess amount previously certified or paid,

  • A statement that the Act and regulations do not provide for further review of the administrative review determination,

  • A statement that the other party(ies) (by name) will receive a copy of the administrative review determination letter, and

  • A referral paragraph that includes the address and local telephone number of the servicing FO as well as "800" number information.

2. Use of Model Letters

Model notices that explain the process of administrative review are contained in GN 03950.065. They must, however, be modified to fit the specific circumstances presented in each case. Representatives generally have multiple cases before us, and each case is different. Sending stock notices, without individualized rationales, would give the appearance of a pro forma review, and could jeopardize the integrity of the process of administrative review.

3. Copies Sent to Other Parties

Because of Privacy Act considerations, we will not reveal:

  • The claimant's personal information (e.g., mailing address or Social Security number) when sending a copy of a letter addressed to the claimant, or the claimant's request for administrative review, to a party other than an individual representative; or

  • The auxiliary beneficiary's personal information when sending a copy of a letter addressed to the beneficiary, or the beneficiary's request for administrative review, to a party other than an individual representative.

    NOTE: Representatives are bound by the regulations not to disclose any information we furnish or disclose about the claim or prospective claim of another person without that person’s consent except as may be authorized by regulations prescribed by us, or otherwise provided by Federal law (see 20 CFR 404.1740(d) and 416.1520(d)).

This restriction means we must redact any personal information before mailing.

B. Procedure - Notice of Administrative Review Determination

1. Preparation - Basic Contents of Notice(s)

Prepare notices as follows:

  1. a. 

    In the opening paragraph state the authority under which you are conducting administrative review. If applicable, indicate the basis for review (e.g., error of fact, error of law, or new information).

  2. b. 

    In the second paragraph, if the above basis for review exists, state the fee evaluation criteria you used in reviewing the initial fee authorization. This statement is not necessary if you informed the parties of these criteria in the acknowledgment or interim letters.

  3. c. 

    In the next paragraph, if the above basis for review exists, state how you evaluated the services in light of the seven regulatory factors (GN 03930.010), but focus in detail on:

    • The number of hours considered;

    • The value of the services to the case;

    • What services were exceptional, and why;

    • What services were not considered, and why;

    • Any services whose value you have questioned, and why; and

    • Any services where you questioned the amount of time spent, and why.

  4. d. 

    In the next paragraph, state whether you are affirming or modifying the initial fee and why. If you are modifying the fee, also state the dollar amount of the fee authorized on administrative review.

  5. e. 

    In the next paragraph state your resolution of the issue(s) raised and the method of payment to the representative or entity if there is a valid assignment..

  6. f. 

    In the last portion of the notice state that your determination is not subject to further review (citing 20 CFR 404.1720(d)(1) and/or 416.1520(d)(1)) and that you are mailing copies of the notice to all other parties.

GN 03950.045 Post-Review Actions Under the Fee Petition Process - Processing Center Jurisdiction Cases

A. Introduction

The processing center (PC) reviewer will ensure that all appropriate notifications and disbursements concerning direct payment of authorized fees are made after administrative review.

B. Process

1. FO Notification

In concurrent Titles II and XVI cases and Title XVI only cases, the PC reviewer will notify the field office (FO) using Modernized Development Worksheet (MDW) or PCACS (Payment Center Action Control System) that a copy of the administrative review determination may be found in the Online Retrieval System (ORS) or eView.

2. Disposition of Withheld Past-Due Benefits

If we continued to withhold past-due benefits for payment of the authorized fee after receiving the request for administrative review, the PC reviewer instructs the benefit authorizer (BA) concerning the disposition of these benefits.

3. Representative Unable to Collect Fee

When an eligible representative reports that they are unable to collect the fee that resulted from the administrative review determination the PC reviewer:

  • Directs the BA to certify direct payment of the fee decided on administrative review to the eligible representative, or entity if there is a valid assignment as described in GN 03920.021  (in the amount of the remaining withheld past-due benefits released after the initial fee payment, subject to the 25 percent maximum); and

  • Asks the BA to establish an overpayment and initiate recovery, following the instructions in GN 03920.055C.

Exception: If we properly paid a fee pursuant to the initial fee authorization, and subsequently the representative files an untimely request for administrative review, we are not responsible for payment of any increased fee amount determined on administrative review. In these situations, the PC reviewer need not take any additional actions regarding direct payment of any increased fee resulting from administrative review.

GN 03950.050 Post-Review Actions Under the Fee Petition Process - Office of Hearings Operations and Office of Appellate Operations Jurisdiction Cases

A. Introduction

Benefit authorizers (BA) will refer tall fee petition administrative review determinations issued at the hearing and Appeals Council levles in which a representative's fee was increasedto the appropriate technician designated by their processing center (PC) for handling such matters, such as a reconsideration reviewer (RECONR), senior claims processing specialist (SCPS), or claims technical expert (CTE). We do not generally withhold past-due benefits beyond the initial fee authorization. Therefore, if we released withheld past-due benefits after the initial fee authorization, special notice language concerning payment responsibility, fee collection, and potential overpayment action by us (if not contained in the notice) will be necessary.

B. Process

1. Initial Fee Required All Past-Due Benefits

If we properly withheld 25 percent of past-due benefits and paid the initially authorized fee with all past-due benefits previously withheld, no further action is necessary if the fee is increased on administrative review.

2. Initial Fee Less Than Past-Due Benefits

If we paid the fee Office of Hearing Operations (OHO) or the Office of Appellate Operations (OAO) initially authorized with only a portion of the past-due benefits previously withheld because:

  • The authorized fee was less than the past-due benefits amount; or

  • Payment from past-due benefits decreased after adjustment for a trust or escrow account;

And the fee was increased on administrative review, we inform the claimant and any affected auxiliary beneficiary or eligible spouse of their obligation to pay the increased fee.

3. Notice to Claimant

The technician prepares a notice telling the claimant and any affected auxiliary beneficiary or eligible spouse that:

  • The reviewing official increased the representative's fee (indicating the amount of the increase and the total fee authorized);

  • We withhold up to 25 percent of past-due benefits toward direct payment of a representative's fee;

  • Following the payment of the original fee to the representative (or entity), we released the remaining past-due benefits to the claimant and any affected auxiliary beneficiary or eligible spouse, if appropriate;

  • The representative expects the claimant (and any affected auxiliary beneficiaries or eligible spouse) to pay the increased fee; and

  • If the claimant (or any affected auxiliary beneficiary or eligible spouse) does not arrange to pay the representative, we will have to take action to withhold these fees from their future benefits.

Because of Privacy Act considerations, ensure that the personal information (e.g., mailing address or Social Security number (SSN)) of the claimant, any auxiliary beneficiary, or eligible spouse is redacted from the copy of the notice sent to any other party except the representative.

EXCEPTION: If we properly paid the fee pursuant to the initial fee authorization, and subsequently the representative files an untimely request for administrative review, we are not responsible for payment of any increased fee amount determined on administrative review. In these situations, do not include information about taking action to withhold future benefits to pay the fee. 

4. Notice to Eligible Representative

The technician prepares a notice telling the eligible representative or as applicable, another individual listed in GN 03930.020A who may request administrative review:

  • How much the reviewing official increased the initial fee on administrative review;

  • How much the reviewing official authorized in total fees;

  • That we cannot certify direct payment of the increased fee because the remaining past-due benefits we were withholding after making the initial fee payment were released to the claimant (or any affected auxiliary beneficiary or eligible spouse) following the initial fee authorization;

  • That the representative should attempt to collect the increased fee directly from the claimant (or any affected auxiliary beneficiary or eligible spouse); and

  • That the representative, POC, or other authorized individual should notify us if the claimant (or any affected auxiliary beneficiary or eligible spouse) does not make a satisfactory arrangement to pay the fee.

EXCEPTION: If we properly paid the fee pursuant to the initial fee authorization, and subsequently the representative files an untimely request for administrative review, do not direct the representative or other authorized individual to notify us if they are unable to collect the payment. We are not responsible for direct payment in such situations. 

5. Eligible Representative Unable to Collect Fee

If the representative reports that they are unable to collect the increased fee from the claimant (or any affected auxiliary beneficiary or eligible spouse), the technician instructs the BA to:

  • Certify direct payment of the increased fee to the eligible representative, or, if there is a valid assignment, the entity (in the amount of the remaining withheld past-due benefits released after the initial fee payment, subject to the 25 percent maximum);

  • Establish an overpayment, following the instructions in GN 03920.055C;

  • Initiate recovery; and

  • If waiver of recovery is requested by the claimant (or any affected auxiliary beneficiary, follow the usual waiver procedures.

EXCEPTION: If we properly paid the fee pursuant to the initial fee authorization, and subsequently the representative files an untimely request for administrative review, skip this step. We are not responsible for direct payment in such situations.

GN 03950.065 Model Final Letters - Administrative Review - Fee Petition Process


The following section provides models of the final letters described in GN 03950.040. Dictated letters will be prepared using these model letters as guides.

Because of Privacy Act considerations, we must not reveal:

  • The claimant's personal information (e.g., mailing address or Social Security number) when sending a copy of a letter addressed to the claimant, or the claimant's request for administrative review, to a party other than an individual representative; or

  • The auxiliary beneficiary's personal information when sending a copy of a letter addressed to the beneficiary, or the beneficiary's request for administrative review, to a party other than an individual representative.

This restriction means the personal information must be redacted before mailing

NOTE: Representatives are bound by the regulations not to disclose any information we furnish or disclose about the claim or prospective claim of another person without that person’s consent, except as may be authorized by regulations, prescribed by us, or as otherwise provided by Federal law (see 20 CFR 404.1740(c)(5) and 416.1520(c)(5)).


Letter AF-8 Request for Administrative Review Denied — Good Cause Not Established
Letter AF-9 Final Letter - Fee Not Changed
Letter AF-10 Final Letter - Fee Raised
Letter AF-11 Final Letter - Fee Lowered


AF-8 — Request for Administrative Review Denied - Good Cause Not Established


[Claimant's name]

Street Address

City/State/ZIP Code


On [date], you asked us to review the fee amount we said your representative, [representative’s name], can charge for work on your claim.


We asked you to explain why you did not ask us to review the fee amount within 30 days of our letter dated [date].


Our Decision About the Late Request


(This is an example scenario. Modify to fit the facts of your case as needed.) You said you did not get our notice of the fee amount until [date]. However, your local Social Security office says they talked to you about the fee notice on [date]. They told you then that you had to request review within 30 days of the date of our letter.


You asked for a review more than 30 days after the date of our letter. We decided that the reason you gave us does not show you had a good reason for missing the deadline.


Therefore, we will not review our final decision dated [date], about the fee amount.


We are sending copies of this letter to [the representative(s), any affected beneficiary’s or eligible spouses name(s)].


If You Have Any Questions


See Referral Paragraphs in Model Acknowledgment Letter AF-1


AF-9 — Final Letter - Fee Not Changed


[Representative’s name]

Attorney at Law

Street Address

City/State/ZIP Code


We are writing about your request to raise the fee amount we said you can charge for your work on [claimant’s name]'s claims.


The law allows us to approve a representative's fee for Social Security claims-related services. The law also allows us to review decisions about the fee for those services.


When we authorize a representative's fee, we consider the purposes of the Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs. In all cases, we also consider:

  • The services provided (including the type of service);

  • The difficulty of the case;

  • The level of skill required to provide the services;

  • The amount of time spent on the case;

  • The results achieved;

  • The level of administrative review to which the representative took the claim;

  • The level of review at which they entered the proceedings; and

  • The fee amount requested, not including any out-of-pocket expenses, but including any amount already approved or requested. An example of out-of-pocket expenses is the cost to get copies of doctors' or hospitals' reports.


We do not authorize a representative's fee on a straight hourly basis or as a percentage of any past or future benefits.


Our Determination


Someone who did not make the first determination reviewed the fee amount. We considered the above factors and your letter dated [date], in making our decision. Based on this review, we decided that the [initial authorized amount] we approved before is reasonable for your services.


( Response to specific issue(s) or argument(s) raised.)


The amount indicated above is the most you can charge for your work on [claimant's name]'s Social Security and SSI claims. We did not change the fee amount because (Rationale for not modifying the fee.)


There is no further review available. The legal references for this are 20 CFR 404.1720(d)(1) and 416.1520(d)(1).


We are sending copies of this letter to [all proper parties’ names].


If You Have Any Questions


See Referral Paragraphs in Model Acknowledgment Letter AF-1


AF-10 — Final Letter - Fee Raised


[Representative’s name]

Attorney at Law

Street Address

City/State/ZIP Code


We are writing about your request to raise the fee amount we said you can charge for your work on [claimant’s name]'s claims.


The law allows us to approve a representative's fee for Social Security claims-related services. The law also allows us to review decisions about the fee for those services.


Our Determination


Someone who did not make the first determination reviewed the fee amount. In our letter dated [date], we told you about the factors we consider in approving a representative's fee. We considered those factors, your letter dated [date], and [claimant’s name]'s letter dated [date], in making our decision. Based on this review, we decided that you may charge [revised fee amount]. We raised the fee amount because [rationale for increasing the fee, include a response to specific issue(s) and argument(s) raised]. The fee does not include any out-of-pocket expenses (for example, costs to get copies of doctors' or hospitals' reports).


This determination replaces our earlier one about the fee amount dated [date]. This new amount is the most you can charge for your work on [claimant’s name]'s Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claims.


(This is an example scenario. Modify to fit the facts of your case as needed, e.g., we will directly pay a portion of the revised fee authorized, subject to the 25 percent withholding maximum.) We paid you [amount withheld and paid directly] from [claimant’s name]'s past-due benefits. This amount is 25 percent of [claimant’s name]'s Social Security (an/or SSI) past-due benefits. Payment of the rest of the fee is a matter between you and [claimant's name].


There is no further review available this matter. The legal references for this are 20 CFR 404.1720(d)(1) and 416.1520(d)(1).


We are sending a copy of this letter to [claimant’s name].


If You Have Any Questions


See Referral Paragraphs in Model Acknowledgment Letter AF-1


AF-11 — Final Letter - Fee Lowered


[Claimant’s name]

Street Address

City/State/ZIP Code


We are writing about your request to lower the fee amount we said your representative, Susan Jones, can charge for their work on your claim.


The law allows us to approve a representative's fee for Social Security claims-related services. The law also allows us to review decisions about the fee for those services.


When we authorize a representative's fee we consider the purpose of the Social Security program(s). We also consider:

  • The services provided (including the type of service);

  • The difficulty of the case;

  • The level of skill required to provide the services;

  • The amount of time spent on the case;

  • The results achieved;

  • The level of administrative review to which the representative took the claim;

  • The level of review at which the representative entered the proceedings; and

  • The amount of the fee requested, not including any out-of-pocket expenses but including any amount already approved or requested. An example of out-of-pocket expenses is the cost to get copies of doctors' or hospitals' reports.


We do not approve a representative's fee on a straight hourly basis or as a percentage of any past or future benefits.


Our Determination


Someone who did not make the first determination  reviewed the fee agreement. We considered the above factors and your letter dated [date], in making our determination . Based on this review, we decided that your representative may charge [revised fee authorization amount]. We lowered the fee amount because [rationale for decreasing the fee, include a response to specific issue(s) and argument(s) raised]. The fee does not include any out-of-pocket expenses.


This determination replaces our earlier one about the fee amount dated [date]. Your lawyer can collect the fee as follows:

[Claimant’s name] $[amount]
[Auxiliary beneficiary name 1, if applicable] $[amount]
[Auxiliary beneficiary name 2, if applicable] $[amount]


We paid your representative (or entity's name) $[initial fee authorization amount] from your and your children's (if applicable) past-due benefits. The fee amount we now approve is $[difference between initial and revised fee authorization amounts] less than we paid. Your representative (or entity's name) must refund $[difference between initial and revised fee authorization amounts] to us. We will also pay you and your children (if applicable) the additional past-due benefits we withheld, which will total $[difference between initial and revised fee authorization amounts].


There is no further review available in this matter. The legal authority for the finality of this decision is [20 CFR 404.1720(d)(1) and/or 416.1520(d)(1)].


We are sending copies of this letter to [representative’s name]  and [auxiliary beneficiary name 1, if applicable] and [parent or legal guardian’s name, if applicable] for [auxiliary beneficiary name 2, if applicable].


If You Have Any Questions


See Referral Paragraphs in Model Acknowledgment Letter AF-1

GN 03950 TN 4 - Administrative Review of Fee Authorizations Under the Fee Petition Process - 12/09/2024