Identification Number:
Intended Audience:All RCs/ARCs/ADs/FOs/TSCs/PSCs/OCO/OCO-CSTs/OHO/OARO
Originating Office:ORDP ODEPPIN
Title:Revised AC Sign off Sheet
Type:EM - Emergency Messages
Program:All Programs
Link To Reference:See Reference at the end of this EM.
Retention Date: June 19, 2024

A. Purpose

    This emergency message (EM) announces the revisions to the AC signoff sheet.

B. Background
    To document compliance with current policy in the policy publication process, ODEPPIN is adding information to the AC signoff sheet that captures specific information for sensitive Emergency Messages (EMs) and Program Operations Manual System (POMS), and for Administrative Messages (AMs). The additional statements are in the attachment provided and detailed in this EM.

C. AC Sign off Sheet – Sensitive Instructions
    Effective immediately, use the attached AC sign off sheet. Due to the time sensitivity, component authors will use this EM for guidance. In FY24, ODEPPIN will update their Administrative Overview (AO) POMS with these specific instructions. For now, ODEPPIN analysts assigned to a PPS request will also provide training as needed to component authors on this process.

    Policy Signoff Sheet - 20 Dec 2023a.docxPolicy Signoff Sheet - 20 Dec 2023a.docx
    AC sign off sheet revisions include:

    1. For sensitive instructions - A statement that requires the author to check a box or provide an explanation and a subject matter expert:
      2. For AMs - An additional statement under the AM box:
    D. Process for EMs and AMs
      1. Use the revised AC sign off sheet for all instructions. Complete the sensitive information for all sensitive instructions.
      2. Email the completed AC sign off sheet along with your final EM or AM to ^TNs EMs AMs. as per current policy.

    E. For Sensitive POMS
      1. At the POST IRD stage: Use the revised AC sign off sheet.
      2. Complete the Sensitive information, get the component ADC sign off, complete the statement, or provide an explanation and SME contact information.
      3. Upload completed AC sign off sheet into PPS under the Documents tab.
      4. Send for AC approval in PPS as per current policy.

    If you have any questions, please email ^TNs EMs AMs.

    EM-20054 REV Improving the Application of the Sensitive Policy Designation

    EM-23075 - Revised AC Sign off Sheet - 12/20/2023