Identification Number:
Originating Office:ORDP ODP
Title:Expanded Attestation of Form SSA-827
Type:EM - Emergency Messages
Program:Title II (RSI); Title XVI (SSI); Title XVIII (Medicare); Disability
Link To Reference:See References at the end of this EM.

Retention Date: 07/14/2025

A. Purpose
    This EM informs the Field Office (FO), the Disability Determination Services (DDS), federal Disability Processing Branches (DPB) and Units (DPU), the Office of Hearings Operations (OHO), and the Office of Appellate Operations (OAO) staff about a policy change to expand attestation of signatures on Form SSA-827 (Authorization to Disclose Information to the Social Security Administration (SSA)). This EM removes the following two attestation exclusions: paper cases, and when two signatures are required (e.g. EDCS exclusions and children 12 and older as described in DI 11005.056C.3).

    B. Background

    Current policy found in DI 11005.056 allows SSA and DDS employees to use the attestation process to obtain a signed and dated Form SSA-827 under specific circumstances. This policy change will expand the use of attestation.

    Under existing policy, SSA and DDS employees cannot use the attestation process when:
      1. The claimant has not reviewed Form SSA-827, or
      2. Two signatures are required, or
      3. The individual chooses not to attest, or
      4. The claim is an Electronic Disability Collect System (EDCS) exclusion without an
      associated electronic folder.

    C. Policy Change

    With this new policy, Attestation of Form SSA-827 can be used when:
      · Two signatures are required, or
      · The claim is an Electronic Disability Collect System (EDCS) exclusion without an associated electronic folder.

    The below procedures must be followed when using attestation in paper cases and situations when two signatures are required.

    D. Process Change

    With this EM, SSA and DDS employees are now allowed to attest to an individual’s intent to sign Form SSA-827 for paper cases or when two signatures are required.
    NOTE: For other scenarios in which attestation is permitted, employees should continue to use the normal attestation procedures described in DI 11005.056 D.2.c.

    When using the Attestation process for Form SSA-827 where two signatures are required or the claim is an EDCS without an associated electronic folder, technicians must:

    1. Verify the identity of the signer using the processes described in GN 03380.005 and GN 00203.020.
    2. Provide the individual(s) with the opportunity to review Form SSA-827, per the instructions in DI 11005.056D.2.d.1.
    3. Proceed with attestation only after the individual has reviewed the form.
    4. Print Form SSA-827.
    5. Read the scripted language as written in DI 11005.056D.2.e.
    6. If the person agrees to the script, indicate the individual’s intent to sign on the paper printed SSA-827 by writing the claimant’s name in the “Individual authorizing disclosure” box, or if the individual intending to sign is someone other than the claimant, indicate the individual’s intent to sign by:
        · Writing the claimant’s name in the “Individual authorizing disclosure” box;
        · Marking the appropriate entry in the “IF not signed by subject of disclosure” relationship block;
        · Writing the parent/guardian/other personal representative’s name in the box below the checkboxes;
        · Ensuring the “Date Signed” box is completed with the date of attestation; and
        · Document the attestation by:
          o Writing in the “Witness” box, “Attested by SSA or Designated State Agency Employee followed by your first initial and last name”;” and
          o Writing the office phone number, city, state, and zip code.
    7. Electronically document the attestation with a notation that includes:
          a. that the individual agreed to sign the SSA -827 via attestation;
          b. the date of agreement; and
          c. the first initial and last name of the technician who took attestation.
    8. For EDCS/eView claims, electronically document attestation with the required notation using the subject section of the Form SSA-5002 Report of Contact Form (ROC) or in the appropriate case note section of the Disability Case Processing System (DCPS).
    9. For EDCS exclusion claims without an associated electronic folder, electronically document the attestation by following the appropriate procedures below:
          a. FO: Document attestation with the required notation and that the cases is non-electronic on the Report of Contact (RPOC) in Modernized Claim Systems (MCS) for T2 claims and Consolidated Claim Experience (CCE) for T16 claims.
          b. DDS, DPB/DPU: Document attestation with the required notation on a case note entry in the Disability Case Processing System (DCPS)
          c. OHO: Document the attestation with the required notation on a Report of Contact (ROC) in the Electronic Non-Medical system (ENM).
          d. OAO: Document attestation with the required notation on a ROC in ENM.
    10. Scan/Fax/Upload the completed paper Form SSA-827 into the electronic folder (EDCS/eView) or Evidence Portal, associate with the paper folder, or upload into ENM system where applicable.
    11. Provide a copy of the scanned completed paper Form SSA-827 to the individual.

    E. Closing

    Direct all program-related and technical questions to your Regional Office (RO) support staff or Program Service Center (PSC) Operations Analysis (OA) staff. RO support staff or PSC OA staff may refer questions, concerns, or problems to their Central Office contacts.

    OHO staff should direct questions through their office’s management chain.

    OAO staff should direct questions through their management chain. Managers may direct questions to the Executive Director’s Office.

    DI 11005.056 Signature Requirements for Form SSA-827
    GN 03380.005 Verifying Identity of Individuals Making Access Requests
    GN 00203.020 Identity of Claimants

    EM-25008 - Expanded Attestation of Form SSA-827 - 01/15/2025