Form SSA-827 (06-2024) UF
Discontinue Prior Editions
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OMB No. 0960-0623
Whose Records to be Disclosed
This authorization is good for 12 months from the date signed
(below my signature).
Electronically signed by:
WITNESS I know the person
signing this form or am satisfied of this person's identity:
Form SSA-827 (06-2024) UF
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We need your written authorization to
help get the information required to process your claim, and to
determine your capability of
managing benefits. Laws and regulations require that sources of
personal information have a signed authorization before
releasing it to us. Also, laws require specific authorization for
the release of information about certain conditions and from
educational sources.
You can provide this authorization by
signing a form SSA-827. Federal law permits sources with information
about you to release
that information if you sign a single authorization to
release all your information from all your possible sources. We will make
copies of it for each source. A covered entity (that is, a
source of medical information about you) may not condition treatment,
payment, enrollment, or eligibility for benefits on
whether you sign this authorization form. A few States, and some individual
sources of information, require that the authorization
specifically name the source that you authorize to release personal
information. In those cases, we may ask you to sign one
authorization for each source and we may contact you again if we need
you to sign more authorizations.
- To State audit agencies for the purpose of: (a) auditing State supplementation payments
and Medicaid eligibility considerations; and (b) expenditures of Federal funds by the State
in support of the Disability Determination Services; and
- To third party contacts, where necessary, to establish or verify information provided
by representative payees or representative payee applicants.