TN 6 (05-22)

RM 03809.007 Scouting from the Wage Report

  1. A. 

    Scouting from the wage report is often required in conjunction with the following types of scouting requests:

    1. 1. 

      Identify EIN's and/or employers (RM 03809.009).

    2. 2. 

      Scout for Cases with Different Names (RM 03809.016).

    3. 3. 

      Locate missing wages (RM 03809.030).

    4. 4. 

      Locate missing SE wages (RM 03809.034).

    5. 5. 

      Locate missing reports (RM 03809.038).

    6. 6. 

      Scout Cases Involving Multiple postings (RM 03809.039).

    7. 7. 

      Obtain copies of the wage report or pages of a report.

      Where scouting to the report is necessary, apply the general instructions in B.-F. of this section and the specific instructions for the type of scouting required as noted in 1.-7. above.

  2. B. 

    Obtain the appropriate microfilm of the employer report based on the Microfilm Reference Number or Master Block-Unit-Page Number reflected on the MEF or SSA-1826 printout or SSA-7009 attached to the case. Complete an SSA-6363 C1 (Charge Card) and place it in the slot occupied by the film.

  3. C. 

    If necessary (i.e., broken film, illegible copy, bad splice, etc.), obtain the film or copies of the report from any other available source including the SSA Records Center.

  4. D. 

    When searching for a specific wage item (i.e., employee omitted from the report, missing wage item, etc.), determine if the report is from a large or small employer and apply the following instructions:

    1. 1. 

      If a small employer is involved, search all pages of the report to locate the item.

    2. 2. 

      If a large employer is involved and the reporting period in question is annual, examine the report for any systematic arrangement of the wage items (i.e., numeric, alphabetic, badge number, plant, unit, establishment, state, etc.). If:

      1. a. 

        No system is used, enter “UTL” in the “Amounts Reported” column of the SSA-7009 and “Large Employer” in the “Remarks” column of the SSA-7009. Where it is obvious that the employer is an establishment reporting employer, enter this information on the SSA-7009.

      2. b. 

        A system was used, attempt to locate the item by searching 200 pages before and after the page on which the item should be located.

      Annotate the SSA-7009 of any findings in accordance with the specific instructions in this chapter for the type of scouting requested.

    3. 3. 

      If a large employer is involved and the reporting period in question is quarterly, determine (from the itemization on the MEF or SSA-1826 printout associated with the case) if wages were posted for other periods. If wages are:

      1. a. 

        Posted, obtain the page number on which the employee is listed on the posted report and search 25 pages before and after this page on the report to be searched. Annotate the SSA-7009 of any findings in accordance with the specific instructions in this chapter for the type of scouting requested.

      2. b. 

        Not posted for any other period, examine the report for any systematic arrangement of the wage items and apply the instructions in D.2.a. or b. above with the exception that only 25 pages before and after the page on which the item should be listed will be searched.


        Do not scout military reports unless the special suspense reference files established for these organizations have been checked.

  5. E. 

    If discrepant annual reports are involved, refer to RM 02008 for additional information and scouting instructions for investigating and correcting annual reporting problems.

  6. F. 

    If the request for scouting is annotated “Verify” (for cases in which the employer denies reporting wages) or “Furnish copy of the page of the report containing the reported wages” , obtain legible copies. Assume that a reader print is acceptable unless a microprint has been requested.

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RM 03809.007 - Scouting from the Wage Report - 05/26/2022
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