Do not enter a “nickname” as the NH’s name (e.g. Bill, Bob, Dick, Ray, Betsy, Lucy,
Patty) unless it is the applicant’s legal name.
EXCEPTION: In rare instances, the name shown on the accepted proof of identity document may
not be applicant’s legal name, but it matches the name on the applicant’s SSA records.
Generally, these cases will involve a replacement SSN card request for an original
SSN card application processed prior to 12/17/2005. If no change to the name on the
SSA record is requested a replacement card request can be processed per RM 10212.005.
When a nickname is entered as the name to be shown on card, you must enter the applicant's
full name at birth on the Additional Info screen of SSNAP. If an application is submitted
for a child who has a temporary given name, (e.g., Baby, Baby Boy, Unnamed Infant,
Baby Doe), do not process the application. Advise the applicant to reapply for the
SSN when the child has a permanent name.