The F-1 student’s most recent pay slip from the on-campus employer, if the student
has already started a job, must show the student’s name and identify the employer.
Verify with the employer that the student is working or did work for that employer
if the pay slip is not recent or there is any other reason to question its authenticity.
If the employer confirms the work but indicates that the student is no longer working,
treat this as employment verification and process the SSN application. Even when the
student is no longer working, if employment status is confirmed, the employer will
need the SSN for wage reporting purposes.
If the work is at an off-campus location, either the DSO or the employer must indicate
that the employer is either educationally affiliated with the school or a contractually
funded research project at the post-graduate level (e.g., working on scientific research
for a private firm, “XYZ Scientific Corporation,” under contract to the school).