RM 10212.000 Legal Names and Changes to the Numident

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
RM 10212.001 Defining the Legal Name for an SSN TN 18 05-24
RM 10212.005 When to Use the Legal Name for an SSN TN 17 01-24
RM 10212.010 Evidence of a Name Change on the SSN TN 1 02-10
RM 10212.015 Evidence Requirements to Process a Name Change on the SSN TN 17 01-24
RM 10212.020 Evidence Required to Process a Name Change on the SSN When Evidence of Identity in the New Name Only is Submitted TN 21 06-24
RM 10212.025 Evidence of Name Change based on a US Ceremonial Marriage TN 17 01-24
RM 10212.030 Evidence of Name Change based on a US Common-Law Marriage TN 1 02-10
RM 10212.035 Evidence of Name Change based on a US Same-Sex Marriage TN 1 02-10
RM 10212.040 Evidence of Name Change based on a US Civil Union TN 17 01-24
RM 10212.045 Evidence of Name Change based on a US Domestic Partnership TN 1 02-10
RM 10212.055 Evidence Required to Process a Name Change on the SSN based on Marriage, Civil Union and Domestic Partnership TN 22 06-24
RM 10212.060 Evidence of Name Change based on a Divorce, Dissolution, or Annulment TN 1 02-10
RM 10212.065 Evidence Required to Process a Name Change on the SSN based on Divorce, Dissolution, or Annulment TN 19 06-24
RM 10212.070 Evidence of a Name Change based on Naturalization TN 24 06-24
RM 10212.075 Required Evidence to Process a Name Change on the SSN based on a Certificate of Naturalization TN 20 06-24
RM 10212.080 Evidence of a Name Change based on a US Issued Court Order Name Change TN 17 01-24
RM 10212.085 Evidence Required to Process a Name Change on the SSN based on a Court Order Name Change TN 23 06-24
RM 10212.090 Evidence of a Name Change based on a US Issued Amended or Corrected Birth Certificate TN 29 02-25
RM 10212.095 Evidence Required to Process a Name Change on the SSN based on a US Issued Amended or Corrected Birth Certificate (BC) TN 28 02-25
RM 10212.096 Evidence of Name Change Based on a Canadian Document TN 12 10-21
RM 10212.150 Name Corrections on the SSN Card TN 17 01-24
RM 10212.155 Subsequent Name Correction Based on Current Marriage, Civil Union and Domestic Partnership TN 17 01-24
RM 10212.156 Name Correction Procedure when Number Holder Never Requested the Different Name Shown on the Numident TN 17 01-24
RM 10212.160 Examples of Name Corrections on the SSN Card TN 17 01-24
RM 10212.165 Examples of Name Changes and Corrections that SSA Cannot Process TN 30 02-25
RM 10212.200 Changing NUMIDENT Data for Reasons Other than Name Change TN 27 02-25

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