TN 9 (06-24)

GN 00312.084 Central African Republic – Vital Statistics Records

A. Introduction to vital statistics records in the Central African Republic

The Central African Republic (CAR) has no single, nationwide repository of civil registration records. Records are held at the city hall of the municipality or sous-prefecture where the event occurred.

B. Procedure for requesting birth, marriage, divorce, and death records

1. Office to contact

For birth, death, divorce and marriage records contact the city hall of the municipality or sous-prefecture where the event occurred. Another contact for divorce records is the Greffier en Chef of the Tribunal de Bangui.

Greffier en Chef of the Tribunal de Bangui

B/P 787


Central African Republic

2. Fee

  • Birth certificates - FCFA 1,500

  • Death certificates - FCFA 500

  • Divorce certificates - FCFA 40,000 or 50,000

  • Marriage certificates - FCFA 10,000

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Batch run: 06/13/2024