TN 15 (06-22)

GN 00903.345 Updating the File Data With Information and Referral (I&R)

Policy for updating the file data

Field Offices (FOs) are required to:

  • provide systematic and periodic verification of the file data; and

  • display the action data prominently on the entry for each agency to avoid referral errors.

NOTE: For the definition of “file data” and “agency” used above, see GN 00903.330.

Referral errors due to problems in other agencies include but are not limited to:

  • Office hour variations,

  • Policy changes,

  • Waiting lists,

  • Budget limitations,

  • Personnel changes, and

  • Geographic limitation.

For some agencies, this data will seldom change. However, in some cases, referral to a given agency may be infrequent. The FO representative uses the last date that we verified data with a specific agency to determine whether to re-verify the file data with the agency before making a referral.

NOTE: When updating FO I&R files, be sure to:

  • Share updated information with co-located teleservice centers; and

  • Update information on the Field Office Informational/Referral screen in the enhanced Leads and Appointment System (eLAS). For more information, see MS 00601.003.

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GN 00903.345 - Updating the File Data With Information and Referral (I&R) - 06/17/2022
Batch run: 06/17/2022