FSPs in Germany are instructed to send photocopies of unrestricted totalization applications
to the German agency. They are also instructed to send the original application for
totalization applications restricted to Germany to the German agency.
In addition, the FSPs request D/USA 5s from the appropriate German agency for claims
originating in the FSPs or referred to the FSP by a German agency if it appears the
NH has at least six U.S. QCs but is not insured based on U.S. QCs alone. However,
if it appears the NH has less than six U.S. QCs or is insured based on U.S. QCs, the
FSP will not request a D/USA 5. Therefore, there may be a small number of claims filed
in German FSPs requiring a D/USA 5 but for which no D/USA 5 was requested by the FSP.
It will be necessary for BETs to request D/USA 5s for these cases by completing a
Form SSA-e2960-U2–GE and forwarding it to the appropriate German agency.
When a copy of an FSP request for a D/USA 5 is received in DIO, it is diaried for
the applicable time period from date of request. If the diary comes due, followup
directly with the German agency. No initial packages should routinely be needed for
these claims.
NOTE: If a child is entitled to RSDI benefits after November 1979 on any SSN and an application
has been filed under the agreement listing the child, BETs must complete a Form SSA-1281-U2-GE
to inform the German agency.