TN 3 (03-97)
When claims material, which DIO has sent to a German agency, is returned by that Agency, DIO should determine the reason for return, correct the problem and return the material to the German agency.
Check the returned SSA-e2960-U3-GE for items that may be blurred, illegible or missing.
Make necessary corrections.
Return all material to the German agency via a new form SSA-e2960-U3-GE.
Determine the reason for return from the box checked on the form using the following translations:
Die Schreibsiese des Vor-, Zu-Oder Geburtsnamens weicht von der Schreibweise der Unterschrift ab. Der Vor-, older Geburtsname ist unleserlich geschrieben - the name and signature disagree.
Das Geburtsdatum fehlt oder ist unvollstandig - the date of birth is missing.
Die Angabe des Geburtsnames fehlt (Feld 3 erganzen) - the sex is missing.
Die Staatsangehorigkeit fehlt - the citizenship is missing.
Der Feburtsort fehlt - the place of birth is missing.
Die Anschrift ist fehlt - the address is incomplete, illegible or missing.
Die Versicherungsnummer ist fehlt - the German insurance number is incorrect.
Have any other German remarks translated.
Carefully block print a Form SSA-e2960-U3-GE with the requested corrected information.
If original information was correct, state this in the remarks section of the form.
Return all material to the German agency via the new Form SSA-e2960-U3-GE.
Carefully block print a new Form SSA-e2960-U3-GE including any omitted or corrected information.
Return all material to the German agency via the SSA-e2960-U3-GE.
Determine the reason for the request for additional information using the following translations:
Name des/der Versucherten - the name of the worker.
Vorname - the person's first name.
Geburtsname - the person's name at birth.
Geburtsdatum - the person's date of birth.
Akten-oder Rentenzeichen oder Versicherungsnummer - the reference number or German insurance number.
Carefully block print a new SSA-e2960-U3-GE with requested, corrected information.
Return all material to the LVA via the new SSA-e2960-U3-GE.