TN 1 (03-97)
Follow these steps for reviewing claims in a DIO.
Review the file for the required applications and evidence listed in GN 01713.205 - GN 01713.215. (See GN 01704.500 for additional instructions for developing and evaluating evidence.)
If there is a claim for Belgian benefits, check the file for a U.S. earnings record.
If there is no earnings record in file, request it from DEBS, following GN 01704.570.
When all the material required above is available, refer to GN 01714.205 - GN 01714.210 for preparing a claims package for the Belgian agency.
How FOs and IBO process claims for benefits under all international agreements, GN 01702.001 - GN 01702.525.
Applications and evidence obtained specifically for the agreement with Belgium, GN 01713.205 - GN 01713.215.