Basic (12-96)
Follow these steps for reviewing claims in the totalization modules.
Review the file for the required applications and evidence listed in GN 01729.205-GN 01729.215. (See GN 01704.500 for additional instructions for developing and evaluating evidence.)
Check the file for a U.S. totalization earnings record (ER) which can be sent to the Austrian agency. If one is not in file, request it following GN 01704.570.
When all of the material required above is available, refer to GN 01730.205-GN 01730.210 for preparing a claims package for the Austrian agency.
How FO's and CDB process claims for benefits under all international agreements, GN 01702.001-GN 01702.525.
Applications and evidence obtained specifically for the agreement with Austria, GN 01729.205-GN 01729.215.