TN 25 (02-25)

GN 05002.220 Replacement Social Security Benefit Statement

A. Requesting a replacement Social Security Benefit Statement

SSA mails Forms SSA-1099 and SSA-1042S (Social Security Benefit Statement) first class between January 3 and 24 each year for delivery by January 31, to those who have not opted out of the mailing through my Social Security (mySSA) website (reference GN 05002.005C.2).

A beneficiary may request a replacement (at no cost) SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S after January 31 by using any option listed in this section.

1. Using mySSA website

The website allows mySSA Internet Users (IUs) to view, print, save, opt out of mailing (reference GN 05002.005C.2) or request a mailed replacement Social Security Benefit Statement.

We issue replacement Social Security Benefit Statements as a Form SSA-1099-R-OP1 or SSA-1042S-R-OP1.

Get a copy of your SSA-1099 or SSA-1042 tax form online at

Beneficiaries will have access to their SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S tax form for any of the past 6 years for which benefits were paid.

The current SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S (most recent tax year’s benefit statement) is available after January 31 of the current year.

Historical SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S (previous five tax year’s benefit statements) are available anytime.

a. Replacement Social Security Benefit Statements available through mySSA include:

  • Title II only,

  • Title II and Title XVI (concurrent), and

  • Title II and Title XVIII claimants.

b. Social Security Benefit Statements unavailable through mySSA include:

  • Title XVI only,

  • Title XVIII only, and

  • Statements for individuals who cannot create an account.

c. Creating a mySSA account

Internet users (IU) must successfully register and pass authentication to create a mySSA account.

To create the account, see

d. Request the benefit statement via mySSAby following these steps:

  • Select "Replace Your Tax Form SSA-1099/SSA-1042S" link,

  • Choose the year you want to view a benefit statement for and then select "Download",

  • Select the “Notice 703” or "Prior Year Forms and Instructions" link (Internal Revenue Service (IRS) worksheet) to access IRS Notice 703.

  • See more information on federal income tax rules for Social Security benefits or if the beneficiary receives a SSA-1042S, refer to IRS Publication 915, or

  • Select "Request a Paper Copy of your SSA-1099/1042S by Mail" link to have a paper copy of the current SSA-1099/1042S sent to the address on file. The IU should allow 10 days for receipt or 30 days if the beneficiary lives outside the United States.


Users cannot request a replacement of current benefit statements from mid-December through January 31 each year. However, historical benefit statements are accessible for any of the past 5 years for which benefits were paid.

2. Calling SSA’s National 800 Network Number (N8NN)

Beneficiaries may call SSA’s N8NN at 1-800-772-1213 between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday to request a replacement SSA-1099 or SSA-1042. If you are outside the United States, contact your Federal Benefits Unit (FBU). For a list of FBU's, visit

3. Visiting or calling our local field offices (FOs)

If the beneficiary visits the FO or calls to replace a benefit statement:

  • Identify claimants following the instructions in GN 03380.005;

  • Verify the beneficiary’s complete mailing address, including city, state and zip code; then

  • Replace the Social Security Benefit Statement from options listed:

    1. a. 

      Obtain an online Query; select the option 1099 (Benefit Statement) on the SSA Master File Query Menu; print the query with a SSA-1099-F2-INST (Benefit Statement Instruction Sheet), which includes IRS Notice 703. For a Master File Online Queries-Overview, see MS 05203.001. For a copy of the SSA-1099-F2-INST along with the IRS 703 publication, see OS 15010.515.

    2. b. 

      Request a Central Office replacement per MS 05203.009.

    3. c. 

      Suggest the beneficiary use the website mySSA. The user can immediately view, print, and request a replacement statement in the mail.

B. Social Security benefit statement for deceased individuals

1. Where do we send the benefit statement after the beneficiary dies?

  • If a beneficiary dies before the end of the year or before receipt of the SSA-1099, we send the beneficiary statement to the last address on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR). The benefit statement is used to file any final tax return, if applicable.

  • If the person who received the statement asks what to do with it, inform them that we intended to send it only to the deceased beneficiary's executor or surviving spouse.

2. How do we release a deceased beneficiary's benefit statement?

Benefit statements for a deceased beneficiary are considered non-tax return information.

If an individual requests a replacement (no cost) benefit statement for a deceased beneficiary, follow instructions in GN 03315.010.


eAccess (formerly ROME - Electronic Access/Registration of Most Everyone) blocks access to deceased beneficiary’s mySSA accounts.

Do not attempt to answer any questions about whether an executor or a surviving spouse should file a final return for the deceased beneficiary, or whether Social Security benefits should be included in taxable income.

Refer all tax-related questions to IRS at or 1-800-829-1040.

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GN 05002.220 - Replacement Social Security Benefit Statement - 02/03/2025
Batch run: 02/03/2025