TN 21 (01-24)

SI 00603.003 Deferred Development Application Process

A. Procedure - Identity

Follow procedures in SI 00601.062 to verify identity prior to obtaining an application.

B. Procedure - Obtain Application

In deferred development claims, obtain an application on paper or on the Modernized Supplemental Security Income Claims System (MSSICS) as outlined below.

1. Paper

Obtain Form SSA-8001-BK (Application for SSI) per SI 00605.001. You may also complete parts of Form SSA-8000-BK (Application for SSI) as a supplement to the SSA-8001-BK to clarify an eligibility issue.

Obtain the necessary disability forms (DI 10105.085).


Select DEFERRED for application type on the SSI Claims Application (ACLM) screen and also complete the necessary disability forms (DI 10105.085).

If additional nondisability questions must be answered to resolve an eligibility issue and they do not appear in the deferred path, answer them on the remarks screens or on paper forms.

EXAMPLE: Answer living arrangement questions on the SSA-8006-F4 (Statement of Living Arrangements, In-Kind Support and Maintenance).

C. Procedure - Send Disability Folder

Transfer the case to the DDS (or to the Great Lakes Program Service Center (GLPSC) DPB, DDS site code V32, for career railroad (RR) workers and dependent RR annuitants, if appropriate per DI 11010.262) and forward immediately unless it is being held per SI 00603.010.

D. Procedure - Development

Do not develop outstanding issues unless nondisability eligibility is questionable (see SI 00603.010), but record pertinent documents the applicant has with them per GN 00301.286.

Exception: Follow procedures in SI 00515.001 and SI 01140.206 for the requirement to obtain permission to contact any financial institution (FI) and verify FI accounts when a deferred application is filed.

Do not issue Form SSA-L8050-U3 (SSI Referral Notice) since doing so is nondisability development. (See SI 00510.025B.)

E. Procedure - Systems Input

For paper applications, input code DEF in the Applications Characteristics (AC) field (SM 01005.650) and code H80 in the payment status (PS) field on an SSA-450-SI (SSI Data Input and Determination) (SM 01010.055).

NOTE: In MSSICS, Build Transaction SSR (BTS) will build these fields automatically.

F. References

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SI 00603.003 - Deferred Development Application Process - 01/04/2024
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