SI SF01415.150 California Optional State Supplement (OSS) D - Living in the Household of Another
(RTN 01, 05/2015)
California pays OSS D when an eligible individual/couple is living in the household
of another and is receiving food and shelter from that individual. Most individuals/couples who are subject to the 1/3
reduction (VTR) of their Federal SSI payments are eligible for OSS D because the criteria
for this supplement level are the same as for charging the VTR.
Linda Torquemada lives with a friend who owns the home. Linda pays the friend $250
per month for Linda's share of the household expenses. The friend’s mortgage payment
and utility bills total $600 per month; the food expenses for both of them are $300
per month. Since the total food and shelter expenses total $900 per month, Linda does
not meet Linda's share of the expenses. Linda is determined to be in Federal Living
Arrangement (FLA) B and OSS D.
NOTE: When the individual/couple lives in the home of a relative (other than a spouse)
and needs care and supervision, request certification for nonmedical out-of-home care
from the county via Form SSP-22 since this is the highest categorical supplement for which the individual/couple
in FLA B can potentially qualify (see SI SF01415.130 for OSS F).