SVB entitlement terminates effective with the 13th month after SVB payments have been suspended for 12 consecutive months (T31). An
automatic systems termination occurs after 12 consecutive calendar months of SVB suspension
on the supplemental security record (SSR). However, if the automatic systems termination
does not occur (e.g., systems limitation) SVB entitlement still is considered terminated
after 12 consecutive months of SVB suspense. Once SVB is terminated, individuals must
generally file a new application to reestablish SVB entitlement, unless there is a
favorable appeal decision or a reopening reverses the SVB termination.
Termination of SVB entitlement can occur earlier than the 13th month after SVB suspension when the beneficiary (or other authorized individual)
requests voluntary termination of SVB (as explained in VB 01505.010) or the beneficiary dies (as explained in VB 01505.015).