TN 102 (06-24)

RM 10205.020 When an SSN Application May Not Be Processed

An application for an original SSN or replacement SSN card may not be processed for the following individuals:

  • An applicant who does not submit evidence of identity and, when applicable, age and U.S. citizenship or lawful alien status. (For individuals who require assistance, see RM 10210.120.)

  • An undocumented alien, unless they will be paid Title II, Title XVI, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), or Medicaid benefits, or is entitled to receive Food Stamps. (For additional information, see RM 10211.500.)

  • An individual who cannot be located; i.e., a scrambled earnings or wrong number case.

  • An alien without work authorization applying for an original SSN who has not established a valid non-work reason, or an alien applying for a non-work replacement card who does not have a new (different), current valid non-work reason for needing a replacement SSN card.

  • An applicant for a replacement SSN card who has exceeded the three-card yearly limit or ten-card lifetime limit on replacement SSN cards. Such applicants must provide evidence to establish a valid exception to the applicable limit applies. (For additional information on SSN card limits, see RM 10205.400.)

  • An applicant who submits questionable or fraudulent documents. Enter suspect or fraudulent applications into the enumeration system following the instructions in RM 10205.300 and RM 10205.305, respectively.

See Details:

  • RM 10210.210 for procedures on reviewing documents,

  • RM 10213.001 for general information about verifying documents, and

  • RM 10214.100 about verifying immigration documents.

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RM 10205.020 - When an SSN Application May Not Be Processed - 06/14/2024
Batch run: 06/14/2024