TN 102 (06-24)

RM 10205.420 Exception to SSN Card Limits Due to a Mistake by SSA

When a number holder (NH) reaches their yearly or lifetime SSN card limits, an SSN replacement card may still be issued if SSA made a mistake that resulted in an error on the face of the SSN card. Such errors include a damaged card, a typographical error to the name, or an incorrect legend based on verified immigration status.

The NH must return the incorrect card to SSA. If the card is not returned, the exception cannot be granted.


RM 10201.075 – Handling Social Security Number (SSN) Cards Received in the FO

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RM 10205.420 - Exception to SSN Card Limits Due to a Mistake by SSA - 06/14/2024
Batch run: 06/14/2024