TN 20 (06-24)

RM 10212.075 Required Evidence to Process a Name Change on the SSN based on a Certificate of Naturalization

To process a name change based on Naturalization, you must obtain evidence of:

  • Name change event

  • New name

  • Identity

A. Evidence of name change event

For acceptable evidence of a name change event, based on Naturalization, using a Certificate of Naturalization (N-550 or N-570), see RM 10212.070.

B. Evidence of new name

The new name shown on the Certificate of Naturalization is evidence of the new name.

C. Evidence of number holder’s identity

If the Certificate of Naturalization does not show the prior name, but meets all other requirements in RM 10212.015D to also serve as an identity document,

  1. 1. 

    Accept one of the following documents in combination with the Certificate of Naturalization as one document:

    1. a. 

      the approved court petition for a name change which shows the prior name; or

    2. b. 

      person’s birth certificate in the name as shown on a prior Numident record.

  2. 2. 

    Input the Certificate of Naturalization in SSNAP as showing old and new name and annotate the remarks field on the SSNAP summary screen.

If the Certificate of Naturalization does not show the prior name and DOES NOT meet all other requirements in RM 10212.015D, as an identity document,

  1. 1. 

    Accept the following documents in addition to the Naturalization Certificate to establish identity

    • one document in the prior name;

    • biographical data (e.g. date of birth, place of birth) shown on the identity document and Numident record must match; or

  2. 2. 

    two documents: one identity document in the new name and:

    1. a. 

      approved court ordered petition for the name change which shows the prior name; or

    2. b. 

      individual’s birth certificate in the name as shown on the prior Numident record.

NOTE: A person’s birth certificate establishes the prior name when it is shown on the prior Numident, when a person requests to change the name to their birth name as part of Naturalization, a court petition may not be required.

D. Example: Acceptable evidence based on a Certificate of Naturalization

Clemencia Gonzalez, who became a U.S. Citizen, submitted a request to the court to legally change the name listed with DHS from Clemencia Gonzalez to Carmen Gonzalez. Clemencia applies for a name change with SSA to update the Numident record and submits the Certificate of Naturalization showing the new name, Carmen Gonzalez, as evidence of the name change event. Carmen Gonzalez is not the individual's birth name. The naturalization occurred one month prior. Carmen does not submit the approved court petition or birth certificate which would have shown the prior name, Clemencia, but instead submitted a State-issued driver’s license as evidence of identity in the prior name, Clemencia Gonzalez, which agrees with the name listed on the Numident record. We can process the name change.

E. Reference

  • RM 10210.405 Evidence of Identity for an SSN

  • RM 10212.070 Evidence of a Name Change on the SSN Based on Naturalization

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RM 10212.075 - Required Evidence to Process a Name Change on the SSN based on a Certificate of Naturalization - 06/07/2024
Batch run: 06/07/2024