TN 9 (06-24)

GN 00312.080 Cabo Verde – Vital Statistics Records

A. Introduction to vital statistics records in Cabo Verde

Cabo Verde has a single, nationwide repository of civil registration records. Records are held at the National Institute of Statistics and the Civil State (Arquivo Nacional de Cabo Verde). Records can also be obtained at the Civil Registry Office of Cape Verde (Conservatoria do Registo Civil) on the island on which the event occurred.

B. Procedure for requesting birth, marriage, divorce, and death records

1. Office to contact

For birth, death, and marriage records, individuals can request them online at or in person or by mail at the National Institute of Statistics or the Civil State or Civil Registry Office of Cape Verde on the island on which the event occurred.


Birth certificates show marginal notes about parental recognitions, marriages and divorces of the registrants.

Arquivo Nacional de Cabo Verde
Av. Combatentes da Liberdade da Pátria
Caixa Postal: 321
Chã de Areia, Praia
Ilha Santiago
Cabo Verde


 We do not accept copies printed online from the Porton di Nos llha portal unless the custodian subsequently affixes a signature, stamp, or seal with a statement attesting to the accuracy.

For divorce records, contact the court that granted the divorce.

2. Fee

  • Birth and death records - 93 Escudos

  • Divorce records - 140 Escudos

  • Marriage records - 98 Escudos

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