When an individual requests a change in repayment rate, we must always attempt to
negotiate a rate of withholding with the individual, which results in full recovery
of the total outstanding debt within 12 months. We allow the individual to pay a minimum
of $10.00 per month, if we can collect the debt within 12 months. We do not need the
individual to provide information about their income, resources, or living expenses
if we collect the debt within 12 months.
If we cannot collect the debt within 12 months, negotiate a rate that permits full
recovery within 60 months. The individual must pay a minimum of $10.00 per month.
If the individual requests to extend the recovery of the debt to 60 months, verbally
collect the individual's allegations of their resources, income, and living expenses
and document the information on the Remarks screen in the Debt Management System (DMS).
Input the new rate of recovery in the Reconciling Recovery of Overpayments Accounting
and Reporting System (ROAR).
Do not request an SSA-634, Request for Change in Overpayment Recovery Rate, if we
can recover the total debt within 60 months.
Example: Documenting a request for a change in overpayment recovery rate on the Remarks screen
in DMS:
Sally Snow's overpayment amount is $2,400.00. They requested that we withhold $120.00
per month beginning February 2018. Sally alleges resources of $0.00, Social Security
benefits of $1,200.00, and living expenses of $1,000.00 per month. Sally will pay
their debt within 20 months; therefore, I approved their request for partial withholding.
I made the input in ROAR and sent a notice to them on January 6, 2018. – John Jones
FO A12
If the individual receives Title II benefits and Title XVI payments, see GN 02210.045.
If the individual is receiving another type of cash public assistance (e.g. VA service
and non-service related disability pensions, Temporary Assistance for Needed Families
(TANF) (see GN 02250.110)), verify the assistance and withhold at the requested rate but no less than $10.
Document the cash public assistance and withholding request on the Remarks screen
in DMS. Do not ask the individual to complete form SSA-634.