TN 51 (05-20)

GN 02210.218 Debtor Inquiry - DCR/DS Actions

A. Obtain RECOOP record

When a debtor telephones take the following actions:

  • Access the Debt Bill Query (IBIL) from RECOOP, see MSOM DMS 008.003.

  • Verify the identity of the debtor before releasing any information, see GN 00203.020. For more information on releasing information by telephone, see GN 03360.005.

  • Request the debtor telephone number and address to update the RECOOP record. In the case of a new address, see MSOM DMS 008.003.

If you cannot access the system

  • ask the reason for the call;

  • inform the caller and return the call with the requested information; or

  • refer the caller to the Debit Specialist (DS).

If the debtor wishes to discuss payment, see GN 02210.214.

B. Consumer credit counseling service

If a consumer credit counseling service handling a debtor's financial affairs calls or sends a notice, explain that we will:

  • accept payment from the service,

  • not honor any request for payment of a collection fee, and

  • not credit the debt with more than the amount remitted; and

  • direct any bills or follow-up contact to the debtor.

C. When a person other than debtor wishes to repay debt

If someone other than the debtor wishes to repay the overpayment for the debtor explain that we will:

  • accept the promise of repayment and remittances, but

  • direct bills, or any follow up to the debtor.

D. Referring calls to the DS

Refer the following situations to the DS:

  • A request for an explanation of the debt that cannot be provided based on RECOOP, MBR/ROAR or SSID data.

  • A request for reconsideration or waiver if the $1,000 tolerance is not applicable.

  • Any matter not specifically related to the debt or its repayment.

E. Request for explanation of administrative offset

If a debtor requests for an explanation of administrative offset explain that as indicated in the pre-offset notice, Congress passed laws that allow Treasury to withhold past-due SSA overpayments from Federal and State payments, including income tax refunds due the overpaid person.

If the debtor wants to repay the debt to avoid offset, follow GN 02210.214.

If the debtor wants to discuss any other facet of administrative offset, refer to the DS for handling per instructions:

  • GN 02201.030 Collections of Title II Overpayments by Tax Refund Offset (TRO)

  • GN 02201.031 Collection of Title II Overpayments by Administrative Offset

F. Potential benefit entitlement

DS - Obtain an MBR or SSID, if needed, to assess any information received from the debtor which indicates potential Title II entitlement or Title XVI eligibility.

EXAMPLE: Debtor calls and indicates he or she is no longer working because of a disability and wants to receive benefits.

If after discussion with the debtor it appears an application should be filed:

  • Advise debtor to contact the servicing field office (FO).

  • Send an administrative message to the FO advising of the phone inquiry and requesting contact to pursue a formal application.

  • Complete electronic SSA-2514 (Record of Claimant's Intent to File) for Title II or Form SSA-795 for Title XVI and forward it to the servicing FO to establish the protective filing date.

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GN 02210.218 - Debtor Inquiry - DCR/DS Actions - 08/04/2011
Batch run: 12/18/2024