TN 15 (08-05)

GN 02403.080 Ordering SSA-1395-BK Receipt Books

A. Introduction - SSA-1395-BK Receipt Books

Each office should maintain at least one SSA-1395-BK in the event that the automated receipt function is unavailable. The Remittance Supervisor will control the FO supply of all SSA-1395-BK Receipt Books.

B. Procedure - SSA-1395-BK Receipt Books

The Remittance Supervisor notifies the person with procurement authority to reorder an SSA-1395-BK receipt book through direct contact with a customer service representative. The standard unit of purchase is one book.

The SSA-1395-BK is a restricted item in the supply system. To order a book, call 410-966-4708, 410-966-3448 or 410-965-2019. In addition, field offices can order via fax, Attn: CSM/RQCT (Customer Service), at 410-965-2037.

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GN 02403.080 - Ordering SSA-1395-BK Receipt Books - 08/09/2011
Batch run: 12/12/2013