TN 30 (12-09)

DI 13010.655 The Query Earnings (QERN) Screen

A. When to use the QERN screen

Use the QERN screen to query the alleged and gross earnings posted to the Disability Control File (DCF).

B. How to get to the QERN screen

From the SSA MAIN Screen, select option 32; then:

  • Select option 12, “QUERY EARNINGS,” from the Continuing Disability Review Selection Menu (MCDR) screen, and then select a claim from the Entitlement Selection (ESEL) screen.

  • After you have selected a claim, enter past the Entitlement Summary (ESUM) screen to the QERN screen; or

  • Select option 11, “TICKET TO WORK,” from the MCDR screen. From the TMEN screen select option 5, “QUERY EARNINGS.” Enter through the ESEL and ESUM screens prior to receiving the QERN screen.

C. Reading the QERN screen

Use the QERN screen to query disability earnings related data for any record existing on the DCF. The social security number (SSN) controls these records since the earnings are associated with the beneficiary. The query screen displays a summary of up to 12 occurrences of earnings data. Additional summary pages are displayed as needed. The fields are:

  • PAGE: Indicates the number of screens of information that are available for viewing for the record accessed up to a maximum of 30 pages.

  • DCF ID, Claimant Account Number (CAN), and NAME fields: provide the account number and name of the beneficiary record.

  • CURRENT ENTITLEMENT: Indicates the type of benefit the beneficiary receives (Title II, Title XVI, or concurrently entitled on both Title II and Title XVI programs).

  • DATE: Provides the month and year of the associated earnings reported.

  • ALLEGED EARNINGS: Provides the alleged earnings amount reported for the associated date and also provides an indicator of the program that earnings are associated with.

  • GROSS EARNINGS: Shows earnings prior to any deductions.

  • NET SE: Shows the self-employment earnings associated with the period. If the net self-employment is a loss, the field will show “(-)”.

  • VERIFIED: Indicates if the earnings amount in the GROSS or NET SE (SELF EMPLOYED) earnings fields have been verified. These fields are completed with “Y” or “N”.

  • SE HOURS: Indicates the number of hours the beneficiary worked in self-employment for the period.

  • WORK DET: Indicates the most recent work determination on the record you are querying. The work determination codes and their meanings are:





    The designated TWP month

    DI 13010.060


    SGA month and for months of the grace period

    DI 10505.010


    Non-SGA month

    DI 10505.015


    Unsuccessful Work Attempts

    DI 24005.001


    Non-service month during the TWP

    DI 13010.060


    TWP completed (outside of the designated rolling 60-month period)

    DI 13010.060D


    Non-SGA during the IRP for EXR cases

    DI 13050.066; DI 13050.067


    SGA during the IRP for EXR cases

    DI 13050.035C.


    Non-payment months during the IRP

    DI 13050.066A

  • NET EARNINGS: Provides the calculated difference of the gross earnings, (including SEI), less any earnings amount not counted.

  • MORE DETAIL: If you need more information on earnings, enter “Y” in this field to access the VERN screen in query mode only.

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DI 13010.655 - The Query Earnings (QERN) Screen - 08/03/2011
Batch run: 04/14/2014