TN 32 (03-08)

DI 23535.020 Title XVI Disability Transmittal (SSA-831/DDTR) Completion for Presumptive Disability/Presumptive Blindness (PD/PB) Cases

A. Background

With the implementation of systems enhancements, field offices (FOs) no longer include a manually prepared SSA-831 in disability files forwarded to the disability determination services (DDS). FOs use Title XVI Disability Transmittal (DDTR) forms generated by the Modernized Supplemental Security Income Claims System (MSSICS) processing systems.

B. Recording the Presumptive Disability/Presumptive Blindness (PD/PB) Finding -- FO Actions

See Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Disability Cases (DI 11055.240 through DI 11055.245).

C. Recording the Presumptive Disability/Presumptive Blindness (PD/PB) Finding -- DDS Actions

Document the following information on a SSA-5002 (Report of Contact) or DDS worksheet:

  • Describe the findings that justify the decision.

  • Annotate the onset date of the PD/PB. If the PD or PB finding is made in the month immediately following the month in which the application was filed, enter the application date. If the current month is the month of filing, use the application date as the onset date. If the PD or PB finding is made 2 or more months after the month of filing, enter the month and year prior to the month in which the PD or PB finding is made (See DI 11055.240D.2.).

  • Annotate “PD Finding” or “PB Finding” as appropriate.

    Update the following information on the electronic systems:

  • Update the PD to the National Disability Determinations Service System (NDDSS) per (SM 06001.220).

  • For electronic processing cases, send the PD/PB transaction to the electronic folder.

  • For paper cases, document the PD/PB finding on the SSA-831 at case closure.

    See Completion of Form SSA-831-C3/U3 – Title II, Title XVI and Concurrent Claims (DI 26510.000).

NOTE: Once the DDS has input the PD decision, it appears on the FO WMI Initial Claims Action List under “Dec” as “P”. The FO can view the decision on the DDSQ. The DDS worksheet is not uploaded to the electronic file until case closure.

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DI 23535.020 - Title XVI Disability Transmittal (SSA-831/DDTR) Completion for Presumptive Disability/Presumptive Blindness (PD/PB) Cases - 07/30/2014
Batch run: 10/22/2024