SI 01320.981 Inquiries From Interested Parties After December 31, 1984 — Operating Procedures

Although no new cases for waiver consideration are being accepted, you may receive inquiries about an individual's being eligible for SSI if the usual deeming rules were not applied, or if waiver of the usual deeming rules would allow retention of SSI/Medicaid eligibility if an institutionalized individual returned home. Do not attempt to answer those inquiries but refer them to the State Medicaid agency for action. Even though the SSI deeming waiver procedure is no longer available to new applicants, States may have made alternative arrangements to help some individuals.

Follow all the usual requirements concerning processing of oral inquiries (see GN 00204.010GN 00204.015). If, in the case of an applicant, the individual wishes to file a formal application for SSI, take the necessary information and adjudicate the claim according to standard operating procedures.

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