Refer to the ALJ any correspondence you receive about the issue before the ALJ or
about their decision.
When you are aware (either by receipt of a copy of the ALJ's decision or order, or
a copy of Form HA-5051-U3 (Transmittal of Decision on Disability)) that the ALJ has
sent a claims file to Office of Hearings Operations (OHO) Headquarters, forward subsequent
correspondence to OHO Headquarters, rather than to the ALJ.
Correspondence and materials should be uploaded in eView, Evidence Portal (EP) or
Electronic Non-Medical (ENM), as appropriate. If there is no electronic record, post-decisional
materials should be emailed to the Office of Appellate Operations (OAO) at ^DCARO OAO and FO should query the current location of the paper claims folders, and route any
paper materials to that location for association.