TN 22 (12-17)

NL 00725.305 “MAR” UTIs – Marriage

MARD01 Dictated Text


MAR001 Disallowance - Divorce

To qualify for benefits as a divorced  (1)  ,  (2)  must meet one of these requirements:

  •  (3)  and  (4)  must have been married under the laws of  (5)  , where  (6)  lived when  (7)  , or

  •  (8)  the same rights as a spouse to inherit from  (9)  under the laws of  (10)  .

The facts we have do not show that either requirement is met.

(1) “widow”/“widower”/“wife”/“husband”/“mother”/“father”/“disabled widow”/“disabled widower”
(2) “you”/“she”/“he”
(3) You/SN
(4) NH's FN
(5) State name of residence at time of death or time of filing
(6) NHs SN
(7) “[7a] died”/“[7b] applied for benefits”
[7a] “she”/“he”
[7b] “you”/SN
(8) “you have”/ “she has”/”he has”
(9) NHs SN
(10) same as fill-in (5)

MARD02 Dictated Text


MAR002 Disallowance – Marriage not Valid

To qualify for benefits as a  (1)  ,  (2)  must meet one of these requirements:

  •  (3)  and  (4)  must  (5)  married under the laws of  (6)  , where  (7)  lived when  (8)  , or

  •  (9)  went through a ceremony which  (10)  thought resulted in a legal marriage with  (11)  and  (12)  still living with  (13)  when  (14)  , or

  •  (15)  the same rights as a spouse to inherit from  (16)  under the laws of  (17)  .

The facts we have do not show that any of these requirements is met.

(1) “wife”/“husband”/“widow”/“widower”/“mother”/“father”/“disabled widow”/“disabled widower”
(2) “you”/“she”/“he”
(3) “you”/SN
(4) NH's FN
(5) “have been”/“be”
(6) State name
(7) NH's SN
(8) “[8b] died”/“[8a] applied for benefits”
[8a] “she/he”
[8b] “you”/“she”/“he”
(9) “you”/SN
(10) “you”/“she”/“he”
(11) NH's SN
(12) “you were”/“she was”/“he was”
(13) “her/him”
(14) “PN died”/“PN applied for benefits”
[14a] “she/he”
[14b] “you”/“she”/“he”
(15) SN has/you have
(16) NH's SN
(17) State name

MAR007 Disallowance Due to Remarriage – Widow(er)

To qualify for benefits as a  (1)  ,  (2)  must meet one of these requirements:

 (3)  not married now, or

 (4)  remarried after age 60, or

 (5)  remarried after age 50 while  (6)  entitled to benefits as a disabled  (7)  .

The facts we have do not show that any of these requirements is met.

(1) “widow”/“widower”
(2) “you”/“she”/”he”
(3) “you are”/ “she is”/“he is”
(4) “you”/“she”/“he”
(5) “you”/”she”/”he”
(6) “you were”/“she was”/ “he was”
(7) “widow”/“widower”

MAR010 Disallowance – Child Married

 (1)  not qualify for child's benefits because  (2)  married.

(1) “You do”/“She does”/ “He does”
(2) “you are”/“she is”/ “he is”

MAR011 Disallowance – Parent Married

 (1)  not qualify for parent's benefits because  (2)  married after  (3)  death.

(1) “You do”/ “She does”/”He does”
(2) “you”/“she”/ “he”
(3) NH FN possessive

MARR12 Medicare Disallowance – Divorced Spouse

To qualify for Medicare as a divorced  (1)  ,  (2)  must meet one of these requirements:

 (3)  and  (4)  must have been married under the laws of  (5)  , where  (6)  lived when  (7)  , or

 (8)  the same rights as a spouse to inherit from  (9)  under the laws of  (10)  .

The facts we have do not show that either requirement is met.

(1) “wife”/“husband”
(2) “you”/“she”/“he”
(3) “you”/“she”/“he”
(4) NH's FN
(5) State name *
(6) NH's SN
(7) “she died”/“he died”/“she applied for Medicare”/“he applied for Medicare”/“you applied for Medicare”
(8) “you have”/“she has”/“he has”
(9) NH's SN
(10) State name
(*) indicates that the fill-in is manual


To qualify for Medicare as a  (1)  ,  (2)  must meet one of these requirements:

 (3)  and  (4)  must  (5)  married under the laws of  (6)  , where  (7)  lived when  (8)  , or

 (9)  went through a ceremony which  (10)  thought resulted in a legal marriage with  (11)  and  (12)  still living with  (13)  when  (14)  , or

 (15)  the same rights as a spouse to inherit from  (16)  under the laws of  (17)  .

The facts we have do not show that any of these requirements is met.

(1) “widow”/“widower”/“wife”/“husband”
(2) “you”/“she”/“he”
(3) “you”/“she”/ “he”
(4) NH's FN
(5) “have been”/“be”
(6) State name *
(7) NH's SN
(8) “she died”/”he died”/”she applied for Medicare”/”he applied for Medicare”/”you applied for Medicare”
(9) “you”/“she”/“he”
(10) “you”/“she”/“he”
(11) NH's SN
(12) “you were”/ “she was”/ “he was”
(13) “her”/“him”
(14) “she died”/”he died”/ “she applied”/ “he applied”/ “you applied”
(15) “you have”/“she has”/“he has”
(16) NH's SN
(17) State name *
(*) indicates that the fill-in is manual


 (1)  not qualify for Medicare as  (2)   (3)  because  (4)  earlier marriage was never ended.

(1) “You do”/ “He does”/ “She does”
(2) NH Name (possessive)
(3) “widow”/ “widower”
(4) “your”/“his”/ “her”

MARD24 Dictated Text


MAR024 Disallowed Mother/Father - Claimant has Re-married

To qualify for  (1)  benefits,  (2)  must:

not be married now, or

be married to someone who is entitled to Social Security benefits.

 (3)  not qualify because  (4)  married a person who was not entitled to Social Security benefits, and  (5)  marriage has not ended.

(1) “mother's”/“father's”
(2) “you”/beneficiary's SN
(3) “You do”/“She does”/ “He does”
(4) “you”/“she”/“he”
(5) “your”/“her”/“his”

MAR026 Disallowed Spouse – Claimant has Re-married

 (1)  not qualify for benefits as a divorced  (2)  because  (3)  remarried and that marriage has not ended.

(1) “You do”/beneficiary's SN plus “does”
(2) “wife”/“husband”
(3) “you”/“she”/“he”

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