Basic (09-15)

NL 10602.105 How Do We Know that Our Notice Standards Work?

We know that our notice standards work because our customers tell us they work.

During the 1990’s, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and the Office of Quality Assurance (OQA) conducted annual surveys. These surveys show an increase in customer satisfaction with our notices.

This increase in customer satisfaction is a direct result of the implementation and use of the notice writing standards in this toolkit. We developed these standards with the help of an expert in the field of language use and technical writing, based them on research, and tested them in notice situations involving SSA beneficiaries. The OIG validated these standards in a study that confirmed their effectiveness.

We continue to conduct evaluations to gauge the public's reaction to notice changes as we implement them, and to learn firsthand what further improvements the public thinks we should do.

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NL 10602.105 - How Do We Know that Our Notice Standards Work? - 09/28/2015
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