This question appears on the paper SS-5 and includes any names that the NH ever used.
These names help ensure the SSN actually belongs to the NH and provide information
needed to screen for a previously assigned SSN. When provided, enter these other names
on the Additional info screens in SSNAP.
When this item is completed with names that do not appear on the Numident, obtain
an Alphadent query to determine if an SSN was previously assigned in that name.
NOTE: If the name shown in the NH name field is different than the name shown on the immigration
document submitted by the applicant, (i.e. the name of the applicant was legally changed
after the immigration document was issued - see RM 10212.001B.2.), enter the name shown on the immigration document in the “Other name used by number
holder” field on the “Additional info” screen in SSNAP. If the individual has a single
name and the immigration document shows FNU (First Name Unknown) or other acronym
indicating the person does not have a first name, process the SSN in the applicant’s
single name. In addition, enter the acronym (e.g., FNU) in the first name field and
the last name shown on the immigration document in the last name field in the “Other
name used by number holder” field. For instructions on verifying immigration document
with a single name, see RM 10214.115A. However, if the applicant insists on issuing
the SSN card using the acronym shown on the immigration document (e.g., FNU) as the
first name, this is not a single name request. Process the SSN card request in the
name exactly as shown on the immigration document.