TN 102 (06-24)

RM 10205.400 Limits on Replacement SSN Cards

The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (IRTPA) of 2004 (Public Law 108-458 ) limits the number of replacement SSN cards an individual may receive to 3 per year and 10 in a lifetime, beginning with cards issued on or after December 17, 2005.

A. Determining whether SSN replacement card limits are met

The enumeration system tracks the number of replacement SSN cards an individual receives. The Replacement Card Count is displayed on the Additional Info screen in SSNAP.

Do not rely on a visual inspection of a Numident query for accurate counts.

Do not deny requests for replacement SSN cards without accessing SSNAP.

B. SSN cards not counted in determining limits

In determining when an individual has met the yearly or lifetime limits, do not count replacement cards issued for:

  • Original SSN cards;

  • A legal name change (i.e., first name or surname);

  • The addition, change, or removal of a restrictive legend (i.e., Valid for Work Only with DHS Authorization or Not Valid for Employment);

  • SSN cards issued prior to 12/17/2005;

  • Enumeration at birth (EAB) records; or

  • Numident updates when the SSN card is suppressed.

You may suppress the SSN card when updating the Numident for:

  • Duplicate applications processed subsequent to an EAB action ["Entry Type Code (ETC): 2 - Replacement Card/ SSN Update" appears on the Numident],

  • Cycle Date (CYD) input date on Numident within 7 days of a prior Cycle Date (CYD), or

  • Numident entries generated from a claims system ["Form Code (FMC): C" appears on the Numident].

C. Exceptions to SSN card limits

Once an applicant reaches their yearly or lifetime limits, they must provide evidence of an acceptable exception reason listed below to receive a replacement SSN card.

Exception Reason


Name change

RM 10205.405

Legend change

RM 10205.410

Non-receipt of an SSN card

RM 10205.415

SSA mistake

RM 10205.420

Hardship of number holder

RM 10205.425

Documentation to support one of the above exception reasons is required for SSNAP to issue a replacement SSN card.

When an applicant meets the 3-card yearly or 10-card lifetime limit and does not qualify for one of the exception reasons above, SSNAP denies the replacement SSN card application. A denial notice is then generated and mailed from Central Office. For instructions, see the SSNAP User Guide.

D. Applicant requests a Numident update but a replacement SSN card is not needed

When the number holder (NH) reports a change in their Numident information, such as a date of birth correction, but does not need a replacement SSN card, use the suppress card issuance button on the Additional Info screen in SSNAP. Transactions where issuance of the SSN card is suppressed do not count toward either limit.

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RM 10205.400 - Limits on Replacement SSN Cards - 06/14/2024
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