GN 00302.003 Postadjudicative Development of Age — Advance Determinations

A. Definition

Advance determinations of age are determinations made when a claimant presents evidence of age but his/her age is not a factor of entitlement at the time SSA receives the evidence.

B. Policy

In the following situations, do not delay adjudication of a benefit claim. Develop evidence of age postadjudicatively if:

  • B2 or BY claimant alleges he/she will be age 62 or older throughout the month in which the youngest entitled child attains age 16.

  • B2 or BY claimant has an entitled disabled child in care.

  • E or E4 claimant alleges he/she will attain age 65 in or before the month the youngest child attains age 16.

  • E or E4 claimant has an entitled disabled child in care.

  • Auxiliary or survivor claimant (e.g., B2 or E) submits evidence or age sufficient to establish a date of birth (DB) under existing rules without further development.

C. Advance determination recordations

SSA previously allowed people who had not filed for benefits to request that their DB's be established before they reached retirement age. These “advance determinations” were not formal determinations, but rather advance recordation of evidence subject to review and determination of the DB when the claimant filed for benefits. At filing, the earlier recordation is reexamined to insure that the evidence is sufficient under the rules in effect at the time of filing.

D. Action required on advance determinations

The remark “CK CORRES” in the OCRO Conditions data group of the free-form E /R indicates that there is correspondence of some type on file in OCRO for the worker, which would include any DB information which had been previously submitted under this procedure. When this remark appears on the E/R, but no evidence is forwarded with the E/R, ask the worker if he/she had previously submitted evidence to SSA. If so, request the file by telephone from the Office of Central Records Operations, Metro West Building, or ask the claimant to resubmit the evidence.

If evidence of higher probative value is still needed, SSA can pay for a census record search or other necessary documentation.

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GN 00302.003 - Postadjudicative Development of Age — Advance Determinations - 03/10/1994
Batch run: 03/10/1994