TN 39 (05-24)

GN 00302.010 Evidence of Established Age in SSA Records

A. Introduction

In some cases, an individual has already established their DB with SSA. In those situations, technicians should follow the proof of age tolerance in GN 00302.030.

B. Policy for evidence of established age

Claimants who have previously established their age in connection with a claim for benefits with SSA or an SSN application (“P” (Pre-age 5 State, Local, or Foreign Public Birth Certificate) or “B” (preferred proof) code on the NUMIDENT) will not be required to resubmit evidence of age if they later refile, unless the adjudicator has reason to question the accuracy of the proven age. If there is a reason to question the date of birth and needs correction, technicians must follow GN 00203.030B.

C. Procedure for established DB indicators

Refer to the entries shown in the chart to determine whether a claimant's DB has previously been established for SSA purposes. Follow this chart for needed development relating to these entries. For the proof code to show on the current claim, see GN 00302.011.

NOTE: The general requirement that the SSA record be established at least 5 years prior to the current filing date does not apply to the records shown in the chart.

Record Indicator Comments Further Development Requirements

MBR or microfiche or MCS screens

“P”, “B”, “C” (convincing proof), or “Q” (age established, but no other code applies) (Whether claim awarded or disallowed)

Codes are printed immediately after the DB.



“F” (age already proven on SSA records)

  • Prior claim had a post-1977 month of entitlement (MOET)


    NOTE: “F” signifies that the DB was previously established for SSA purposes.


  • Prior claim had a pre-1978 MOET


    NOTE: Because of a systems problem, an unknown number of claims with a pre-1978 MOET were erroneously coded “F.”


Treat such DBs as being established only if the prior benefit was one for which age was an immediate factor of entitlement. (See GN 00302.001.)

If age was not an immediate factor of entitlement for the prior benefit, request pre-1978 entitled claimants to resubmit evidence of age; otherwise, the information must be requested from the prior folder.


No code - Claimant is/was entitled to benefits for which age is a factor of entitlement.

Includes BICs such as “A”“B,” or “D” for claims filed before 1977.



No code or “A” (alleged but not proven, or age not a factor of eligibility)- Claimant was entitled to DIB — attained full retirement age (FRA).

DI beneficiaries are automatically converted to Retirement Insurance Benefits (RIB) at FRA and the DB is considered to be established as of the date of the conversion from DIB to RIB.


Show the DB for a claim filed subsequent to the DIB/RIB as previously established (code F) unless there is a discrepancy in the age allegation or the RIB claim is not active. When an age issue appears on the DW01 or DW02 screen, annotate that the MBR was the source of the DB.

If the claimant questions the established DB, and presents evidence showing the MBR DB is incorrect, follow the rules of administrative finality to determine whether corrective action can be taken on the DB in the RIB record. (See GN 04030.010.)


Even if correcting the DB on the RIB claim is precluded, the corrected DB must be established for a claimant awarded benefits subsequently as an auxiliary or survivor. (See

GN 04030.010.)


Claim was previously disallowed and the claimant's DB was established.

No additional evidence of age is needed.



“P” or “B”

Codes are annotated to the NUMIDENT when the SSN applicant submits a birth record established before age 5.

Question the “P” or “B” code if shown with a foreign place of birth.


“B” or “C”

Codes are printed immediately after the DB




See prior entry for “MBR or microfiche or MCS screen.”

See prior entry for “MBR or microfiche or MCS screens.”

Record Indicator Comments Further Development Requirements

“E” (proof for birth date but type is unknown) or “No Code”

  • Currently receiving payments as an aged individual or a blind or disabled child or claimant was entitled to payments as an aged individual or a blind or disabled child but terminated for a reason other than age.


  • Currently receiving payments as a blind or disabled individual or previously received payments as a blind or disabled individual. This includes a blind or disabled individual who attains age 65.

Full development required.


D. Procedure for discrepant conditions

Develop further for the correct DB when discrepant conditions exist.

NOTE: Whether the previous award can be corrected depends on the rules of administrative finality. (See GN 04030.010.)

1. Claimant Disavows DB

In any of the situations listed in subsection C. in this section, if the claimant disavows the previously established DB and presents a valid birth certificate (BC) or religious record established before age 5 which shows the SSA record of the DB to be incorrect, use the correct DB for the current award.

2. Claimant Disavows DB but no BC or religious record

To resolve the resulting material discrepancy when the following factors are present, follow GN 00302.165 - GN 00302.180:

  • There is no BC or religious record available, and

  • The DB on the SSA record is coded “B,” and

  • The DB given by the claimant is materially different from that on the SSA record (indicating that the “B” was erroneously entered).

NOTE: This may also involve obtaining information from the claimant's prior folder to see if a public or religious record of birth was indeed submitted earlier.

3. Other proof code suspect

If another proof code is shown with a DB which, in the adjudicator's opinion, is suspect based on the evidence now in file, develop to resolve the discrepancy per GN 00302.165 - GN 00302.180.

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GN 00302.010 - Evidence of Established Age in SSA Records - 05/21/2024
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