The worker died in July 1999 currently insured but not fully insured. However, when
the worker's coverage under the German system is counted, the worker is fully insured.
The worker is survived by a 16-year-old child and a 67-year-old spouse. The non-Totalization
PIA is $255.80 and the Totalization PIA is $197.10. The child, who can be paid on
the basis of currently insured status, would normally be entitled to a benefit of
$191.80. The surviving spouse, who can only be paid on the basis of fully insured
status, would normally be entitled to a benefit of $197.10.
The non-Totalization maximum is $383.70. Since the two benefits combined exceed the
non-Totalization maximum, they must be reduced.
In this case, the total benefits without regard to a maximum are $388.90 ($191.80
+ $197.10). Of that total, the surviving spouse is eligible for 50.7% (197.10 ÷ 388.90
= 50.7) and the child is eligible for 49.3% (191.80 ÷ 388.90 = 49.3). Therefore, the
surviving spouse is entitled to 50.7% of $383.70 or $194.50 and the child is entitled
to 49.3% of $383.70 or $189.10.