TN 2 (09-85)

GN 01704.505 Military Service (MS)

A. General


Develop a NH's U.S. MS if it is needed by a foreign agency, if it is alleged and if it is not precluded. Allegations of MS can be found on most applications; however, if a claimant's statement on any other form alleging MS is in the file, this also is an allegation. MS is precluded if it is being used by another U.S. federal agency, except the Veterans Administration, to pay a monthly benefit. If there is an application, SSA-1 or SSA-16-FC, and the question concerning entitlement to a pension from any other federal agency is checked “no,” assume the MS is not precluded and, therefore, could be used by a foreign agency. Consult a CA or a CATA if there is any question concerning whether or not the NH's MS is precluded.


  1. a. 

    If additional information about the NH's MS is needed; e.g., service number, branch of service, dates of service, whether MS is precluded, etc., ask the claimant to complete a Form SSA-2512 (Pre-1957 Military Service—Federal Benefit Questionnaire).

  2. b. 

    Request proof of the NH's MS. Acceptable proofs are:

    1. 1. 

      Certificate of Discharge

    2. 2. 

      Certificate of Statement of Services (DD-13 or DD-14)

    3. 3. 

      Report of Casualty (DD-1300)

    4. 4. 

      Form SSA-654-U4—(Refer cases requiring this form to a CA or CATA for advice and assistance.)


Refer case to a CA or CATA for posting the MS to the SSA-794TR.

B. Italy

INPS always needs U.S. MS information. Therefore, develop MS for all periods from September 16, 1940 through December 31, 1956.

C. Germany

German agencies seldom need U.S. MS information for periods prior to 1951. German agencies need U.S. MS information after 1950 only if the SSA-794TR shows less than 14 years (56 U.S. QCs) of coverage; in which case, secure proof of MS for all periods alleged from September 16, 1940 through December 31, 1956 to avoid recontacting the claimant. If, however, only U.S. MS prior to 1951 is alleged, do not develop but annotate part IV of the SSA-2960-U2, “Military service alleged from            to            (dates of allegation) but not proven. Please advise if you need quarter of coverage information for this period.” If the German agency requests proof of MS in response to this remark or for any reason, obtain it.

D. Ottawa

Although Ottawa may, in rare instances, require coverage information for the period 1952 to 1956 in order to give the worker residence credits for periods of U.S. work, do not request proof of U.S. military service. It is is not needed to process the U.S. portion of the claim. However, annotate the remarks section of Form SSA-2960-U3-CQ, “Military service alleged from             to            (dates alleged, but no earlier than 1952) but not proven. Please advise if you require coverage information for the period.” If Ottawa requests coverage information for the period, obtain proof of military service.

E. Other Agreement Countries and Quebec

The agencies of the other agreement countries and Quebec do not need U.S. MS information, routinely. However, if the agencies request this information to process a claim filed under an agreement, comply with the request.

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GN 01704.505 - Military Service (MS) - 01/19/1999
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