TN 2 (09-85)

GN 01704.520 Citizenship, Statelessness, Refugee Status

Obtain proof of citizenship for the agencies in Germany only. The German agencies require information about the citizenship status of a claimant and/ or a deceased NH. However, if no proof of citizenship has been submitted and no other development is necessary, do not develop for evidence of citizenship. If other development is being requested, also request proof of citizenship for the claimant(s) and the deceased NH, if appropriate.

A. Evidence of German citizenship obtained

  1. 1. 

    Certify German citizenship if any of the following primary proofs are obtained:

    1. a. 

      A current passport;

    2. b. 

      A citizenship certificate from the FRG (Staatsangehoerigkeitsausweise);

    3. c. 

      A domicile certificate from the FRG (Heimatscheine)—these certificates were issued prior to 1977.

  2. 2. 

    If any other type of evidence is submitted, forward it to the German agency for evaluation.

B. U.S. citizenship alleged

  1. 1. 

    Certify U.S. citizenship if any of the following proofs are obtained:

    1. a. 

      A U.S. passport;

    2. b. 

      Naturalization Certificate;

    3. c. 

      U.S. Birth Certificate—BETs may use this document to certify U.S. citizenship only.

  2. 2. 

    If any other type of evidence is submitted, consult a CA or CATA for advice and assistance.

C. If statelessness or refugee status alleged

Consult a CA or CATA for advice or assistance.

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