TN 3 (02-95)

GN 01732.205 Preparing Claims Packages for Claims Filed Outside Finland


1. Initial Claims Packages

Prepare initial claims packages to request Finnish coverage records and to inform the Finnish agencies about claims for Finnish benefits. See GN 01731.205 - GN 01731.220 for the application and the evidence required to prepare the packages.

2. U.S. Claims

Prepare Form SSA-2960-U3 FI for U.S. claims to request the Finnish coverage record, if one is needed.

3. U.S. and Finnish or Finnish Claim Only

Prepare a claims package for a U.S. and Finnish or Finnish claim only that includes:

  • Form SSA-2960-U3-FI

  • U.S. totalization earnings record

  • Medical evidence from OIO files, if the Finnish claim is for disability benefits

  • Evidence submitted for the Finnish claim

  • A request for the Finnish coverage record, if one is needed

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GN 01732.205 - Preparing Claims Packages for Claims Filed Outside Finland - 02/08/1995
Batch run: 10/17/2016