The Danish coverage certificate will be converted to quarters of coverage for SSA
by the Danish agency. The “QC Employment Factor” of the Danish earnings certificate
will show the converted QC total for each year. The Danish agency has done the conversion
for SSA. The QCs shown in “QC Employment Factor” column have been converted and any
fraction of a quarter shown will be considered a full quarter of coverage.
The first eligible QCs on the exhibit below would be on the third line under the “Year”
2005 (we cannot use any QCs with a FRI code of 600 or 610). Look under “QC Employments
Factor”. There is 0.1 (fraction of a QC) which will be considered 1 QC. This QC should
be used in the first quarter of the year 2005.
The next eligible QC in the exhibit below is in the “Year” 2005 (on the fifth line)
with 1.1 QCs shown under the “QC Employment Factor”. This should be counted as 2 QCs.
These quarters of coverage may be divided as needed.